DWMMH 13: "The Talk"

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Third Person POV

Somewhere in the nearby forest in Magnolia

"My Lord." The servant vowed in front a man hidden in the shadows.

"Speak little one." The man said.

"My Lord, the clone child was deemed effective and has put Celestia into coma, and all of the leaders and generals of the Slayers are focused on what happen to her." The guy said while placing photos to the man's desk.

"Very well, that coma will give us time to break out my brother from there grasp's and soon we'll be having them kneel to the ground." The man replied

"Ready our allies, because once my brother is free we'll engaging on a war, and send this to my brother." The said again and handed a letter.







Inside the Slayer's Prison Cell

A faint noise of a push cart can be heard in the cells slowly the noise gets louder and louder until it stopped in front of one particular cell.

"Master I'm just stopping by to give you these." As the servant laid down a tray of food and an envelope.

"The letter was given to you by your brother, please it thoroughly as this will hell you escape." The servant explained then stood and vowed and left the cell to hand out food for the other prisoners.

The man read the letter and started grinning as he knows that the Slayers demise is near.










Mizakuchi Hospital

As Lucy was rushed into the E.R., Natsu was worried he had just gotten Lucy back and bad things has happened. While waiting the Slayers and Fairies started arriving asking Natsu what had happened, he explained what happened after Lucy arrived and were now just waiting for the doctor. An hour later the doctor emerged from the E.R.

"Who are the patients relatives?" The doctor asked

"I'm her fiancé, what happened to her? Is she alright?" Natsu frantically asked

"She's fine, there were no bruises or cuts on her, but has she intake any type of drug or medicine that you know of?" The doctor asked

"No, why do you ask?" Natsu questioned

"Well while doing checks on her well being we observe that she has intake some kind of powdered drug that has put her in a coma." The doctor explained. "These are traces of the powder that we have gotten from her hands and some on her nose." The doctor showed a petri dish with the powder in it.

"When will she wake up?" Levy suddenly asked

"We will see, but for now we must wait, we'll be examining the powder taken her body maybe that way we can find out what it's made of and counteract the effects of it." The doctor explained and vowed before taking his leave

One of the nurses came and told Natsu that Lucy has been transferred to a private room and she can be visited tomorrow. Natsu insisted on staying but Kagura said to go home and she'll talk to the management to keep Lucy safe.

Natsu and the rest of the Slayers went to the hideout while the Fairies except for Kagura, Yukino and Erza was escorted back to there dorms. Soon after talking with the management and head of security Kagura, Yukino and Erza went to the hideout as well.

Natsu's POV

Disappointed, ashamed and worried those are the things I'm feeling right now. Disappointed that I didn't come to Luce's aid immediately, ashamed that I put her into danger again and not fulfilling the promise I made to myself and worried that after this more will come and this is just beginning.

Right now I'm heading to the office to discuss the recent happenings with everyone. From the attack at the resort to the assault to Luce. I need focus and find out who's doing the attack because I know that this isn't just the Strauss' attacking, this is a well thought out plan that even got me questioning my skills.

As I went inside I saw the Slayers, Kagura, Yukino and Erza with their main Lieutenants beside them. All pf them have folders of the most recent activities that has happened handed out by Yukino.

"All right let's start from the very beginning. The attacks started surging when the Slayers and the Fairies took a vacation at Ryuuzetsu Resort." Yukino explained. "There were two attackers, one is Lissana Strauss and the other is identified, Lissana was the one who attacked Kagura and gave us a tip about the other attacker and since then we've been trying to find out about this other attacker. The Strauss however have went into hiding once again we are still trying to trace them. Also about this other attacker we have found no information about him making it harder to trace him."

"And what about today any information to Luce's assault might have been?" I asked

"Yes about that, Lucy was put into a coma by a white substance she accidentally inhaled, well after investigation in your room the agents found this box beside her body containing this necklace with the powder attached all over it and inside the box as well with a note beneath the foam that was helding the necklace." Yukino said and handed out a picture of the note.

'The end is nearing Dragneel, first you and your precious Celestia then everyone you know and love are next'

Was written on the note, clearly the person who made this has a deep hatred for us Dragneel's.

"The person who this is clever and used magazine cut-outs to lessen finger print traces on the paper which made it harder for us to find a lead." Yukino explained

"Who gave her the box then? And when was the box given to her?" I asked

"Based on Capricorn a child went near Lucy and gave her the box, and before you ask, yes we did a footage scan on all of the camera's in the mall and did a background check with the child and like the attacker, the child was just there for one purpose then discarded after it has done it's job." Yukino said while looking at all the records

"Alright I want everyone to try and find a trace to these people and have our scientists do an examination with this substance we need to find out who they are and fast, because I have a feeling that they're just beginning." I said

To be continued


Word Count: 1,082

Alright thas was a lot, who do you think is our mystery villian?


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