Chapter one

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Chapter 1

 Nicoles Pov

 I shut the door behind me, having Hayley and Ashely follow by. We were known as the clique A, everyone would stare at us  as we walked in the hallways, and they would watch our very movements in awe. Its actually quite funny. I of course was the most popular one in the group. But sometimes it did get a bit annoying, them having to follow me around everywhere.

We walked upstairs, throwing our bags to the ground carelessly, and made our way up the stairs into my room- the usual routine- I got my laptop out and turned it on, checking twitter and all my other thousand  social networks that I had.

"honey I'm going to put your bags away" my mum said, interrupting me from scrolling through my feed.

"whatever. don't care" I reply back.

I click on a new tab, once there was nothing else that interested  me on twitter, and typed in 'webcam toy'. This was the most popular photo website in the history of man kind, where you could take pictures! On the main screen there would be different pictures of people popping up, that used webcam toy. Sometimes I even saw myself there on their home screen.

"come on girlies, let's go take a picture and pretend we're having fu-"  "Woah"

"what's wrong?" Ashley asked, you know ho there's always that one person in your group that just doesn't know what's going on and seems completely dumbstruck. Well… yeah that's her.

"uh …. Don't worry" completely forgetting what I was about to say. A picture popped up for only about 5 seconds, of this boy, he had a mop of curls, his dimples popping as he smiled and smirked at the same time. Giving the impression he was the player type, but his eyes, the ones that seemed to attract my attention the most, were filled with so much innocence. Hottie 101 I think to my self in one of those girly voices that people use. I laughed at my thoughts, I felt like an inspector. Looking at every inch of his face.

"Nicole, what are you doing?" Hayley asked interrupting me from my thoughts


"It seemed like you were talking to yourself.."

"No I wasn't. You're just seeing things, maybe you should get your eyes checked" I said rather rudely

"Um… Are you alright"

"are you? Stop questioning me!"


After a pretty heated fight with Hayley, I could really feel the tension in the air.

"let's go shopping" I say trying to change the topic

"… Flirt with some boys, then break their hearts" trying to break the awkward silence and did a fail attempt to wink, which caused them to laugh. Score!

"Typical Nicole"


After hours of shopping my legs feel like  they were about to drop! Hayley and Ashley still seemed to have a ball of energy.

Well.. I've only been this 'girly girl' type for about a year, so kudos on me, especially comparing to back then, when I would go to the shops and pick out whatever and buy it.

Though I didn't change my whole self. I'm still a bitch. Just a more girly  one, not the punk style.

"Girls I'm going to get a drink" I spoke, but no response. Of course they were too busy to notice!

I walked out of the shop, until I heard a constant beep getting louder and louder.

"Miss it seems that you have been caught shop lifting. May I check your belongings?" A tall big security guard towering over me started feeling me up and down

"It seems to be a misunderstanding, sorry ma'am"

I fixed my hair and clothes as I turned around originally going the way I was about to, before I saw numerous pairs of eyes staring at me, probably from the scene that just happened. I don't mind honestly.

Though one particular set of green eyes stood out.. I stopped in my tracks, was it the same guy?

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