Gay? ~ Zach ♡

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Your POV

"Baby I'm home" I said as i was taking of my shoes. "Don't baby me, I know what you did!" Zach yelled at me. "I really don't know what you're talking about" "why did you cheat on me? Am i not good enough?" Zach yelled at you. "Babe I didn't cheat on you i swear."

"Corbyn saw you in the park yesterday cuddling a boy, kissing him on his cheek! Who is he? How long? Why?" Zach started asking. "Baby that's Justin and he's gay." you said while starting to laugh. "Y/n did i ever tell you how beautiful you are and how much i love you?"

"Fy Herron." i said while flipping him off. "wanna netflix and chill?"he said with a smirk. "Maybe tomorrow or next week."you said while jumping on the couch. "Are you mad?" Zach asked soft. "I could never be mad at you." you said while kissing his cheek.That night we cuddled while watching netflix untill we both fell asleep.

A/n there will not be a second part of cheater sorry❤️

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