•3• Y-your Hair

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〖 Way You Make Me Feel: IT 〗

When Ember and Jax reached her house, it was almost curfew. Her father's Auddi was nowhere in sight as she placed the bike in their garage. She assumed that her dad got caught up with work again. She didn't mind. However, she prayed that her step mom would be absent as well.

The front door opened while the girl tucked the spare key back into its hiding place. The white plastic bag that contained the hair dye she purchased dangled on her wrist. For some reason, she couldn't stop thinking about Stanley. They've only interacted a few times but something about him just made her drawn to the Jewish boy. He kept to himself most of the time yet he was still interesting in her eyes.

"Oh Emmy! Home so soon?" Her step mother popped out from the kitchen, startling the girl. The woman tutted, touching the young one's untied blonde hair that disappointed her.

"You got rid of your pig tails." She whined, pouting her lips. Ember glared, stepping back.

"What's it to you?" Her voice snarled. Frannie snapped, grabbing the girl's face in her hand as she squeezed her cheeks with her nails.

"Your daddy isn't here to protect you, Emmy. So if I were you, I'd control that pretty little mouth of yours." Frannie whispered in the girl's ear. Em couldn't help but feel scared at what was happening; t wasn't the first time She did this whenever Mr. Peterson wasn't around–However the woman's capabilities were always underestimated. Jax began to growl at the woman, his teeth snarling ready to rip her to shreds.

"Yeah, well I have him." Jax barked which earned a flinch from Frannie. Before she could do anymore, the sound of a vehicle was heard from outside. Audibly cursing, she began to compose herself as she fixed her hair and clothes.

"I'm going to fix you up, you little shit. You're going to be the perfect image of Franchesca Millard-Peterson's daughter. Whether you like it or not." Frannie threatened, wiping her lipstick off and swiped it across Ember's pink lips.

"You disrespect your mother again and I will make your life a living hell, sweetheart." She continued, a bitter sweet smile paired with it.

"You're never going to replace my mom." Ember glared, her fist clenching at the word used. She wasn't her mother. She never would be.

Frannie merely laughed, "You must be blind then because I already did, sweetie."

With a rough force, Ember was pushed toward the stairs where she almost fell and hit her bruise. If it wasn't for Jax, the purple mark would've gotten bigger. The girl huffed, rushed to get to her bathroom. She had pulled out the box of hair dye, ripping it open. Following the instructions, a brown pudding like substance was created on the small plastic cup on her sink. Taking a deep breath, Ember stared at herself in the mirror, using her sleeve to wipe off the lipstick that was still on her lips. Her mother's eyes was all she had. The blonde hair that now resembled her step mother's, burned the girl's image of her own locks she once loved.

Without the use of a comb, she dipped her hand in the mixture. The brown substance trickled down her neck as she began to cover her whole head with the dye. If Ember were to list down every time she was told to act like a lady, she'd have a book thicker than the holy bible. She was always told by Frannie to never wear pants nor shorts, never to swear, never to wear colors other than 'female' colors, or to never just be who she wanted to be. 

Prissy princess was what her step mom wanted from her and she wasn't going to get it.

She didn't ask for it but being blonde always made some people at school think she'd be willing to give them some action behind closed doors. It wasn't as if she were the only blondie in the entire student body but she was a target student due to Gretta's power over the daily rumor parade. Even with the 'admirers' she had, there were still some douches concerned. A little over an hour had passed and Em decided to shower for the night. Her eyes lingered on the tiled floor, dark brown liquid staining the water that fell on her.

𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 | Stan Uris // IT 2017Where stories live. Discover now