•8• Projections and Confessions

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〖 Way You Make Me Feel: IT 〗

In the basement of the Denbrough residences, Bill invited everyone to investigate further on what might have been haunting Derry for every past nine trienniums. The blue-eyed boy was pinning up map of the Derry sewer system on the wall across an already set-up projector . Ember aided Stanley in covering the sunlight coming from the window with a checkered cloth. And took their seats next to each other with Richie on the girl's left. Eddie was sitting in front of Em with Jax next to him, rubbing the dog's belly that he seemed to be enjoying. 

Ben was more than happy to be of service and brought in the slide Bill slotted in to be illuminated by the projector. The actual map of Derry overlapped with the one on the wall. Specific points written in marker where the missing children were last seen had been highlighted as well with a cross. 

With a lump in his throat, Bill pointed at the map and uttered "Look: That's where G-Georgie disappeared," The words 'Storm Drain' was labeled in the map, "There's the Ironworks and The Black Spot

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With a lump in his throat, Bill pointed at the map and uttered "Look: That's where G-Georgie disappeared," The words 'Storm Drain' was labeled in the map, "There's the Ironworks and The Black Spot. Everywhere it happens, it's all connected by the sewers, and they all meet up at the–" 

"–The well house." Ben cut him off. Everyone's eyes stared directly at the house drawing on the map, suddenly feeling chills. Every sewer led up to that point, meaning there was more to it than just an architectural building. Ember titled her head, brows creased as she pondered. Why the sewers? 

"It's in the house on Neibolt Street." Stan enlightened, his voice cracking a bit. The house that resided there looked as if it were from an old horror film. The wood used to build it was dark as charcoal and the trees surrounded it were thin, almost weak looking. It was one of those houses that had a reputations for ghost stories from little kids and teenagers to scare others. 

"You mean that creepy house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked, earning a nod from the curly haired boy.

Ember's blue-green eyes darted to the asthmatic boy in front of her, noticing his quick breaths as he took a few puffs from his inhaler. She worried for him, not wanting him to get hurt. Jax rolled up from his back, leaning towards the dark haired boy and licked the side of his face, affectionately. 

"I hate that place, it always feels like it's watching me." Beverly said, rubbing her hand on her thigh.  Ember nodded and found herself biting her lips, skittishly. She never like the place either. On nights when she couldn't sleep, her father would take her for a drive around the suburbs. Every time they pass by the old house, she always shrunk back in her seat. One time, she swore she saw the yellow eyes of something staring back at her. Even thinking about it made her hands tremble. 

"That's where I saw it. That's where I saw the clown." Eddie was breathing heavily. A small whimper come out from their canine companion when the boy's breathing sped up as he tried to control it with taking in a few more takes with his inhaler. He was remembering his encounter again. The same accelerating feeling coming back to him as he malfunctioned. 

𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥 | Stan Uris // IT 2017Where stories live. Discover now