Chapter 1

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The beginning:

"Already?", I say in a tired voice as I hear my alarm screaming after seemingly just falling asleep. One of the few times I can truly say that I'm happy is when I'm dreaming.

I begrudgingly drag myself out of bed. I go through my morning process. Get dressed, brush my teeth, apply deodorant, question why I even try with life anymore.

I look at myself in the mirror. "Just as fugly as always I see", I say in my normal depressed voice.

"Keep it up beautiful", I reply to myself with a wink in a sarcastic tone.

I check the time on my phone, and see that I'm perfectly one time with schedule like always. I grab my backpack, and drag myself out the door like always simply because it's part of my routine. I never have a single thought of defying it. It's a Monday, just as sucky as the rest. I just recently moved to a new school district, and just managed to find the kind of idiots I like to hang out with. So I guess I can say I look forward to getting to school. For whatever reason being with friends distracts from the constant empty feeling I have in my heart. I really hate that feeling, it makes me feel like no other emotion is welcome.

As I'm walking to school, I pick up $5 that I randomly found lying on the ground. "Cool, some good luck for once. I can get snacks now", I say in about as happy of a voice as anyone has ever heard from me. Today is seeming pretty ok, I think to myself, I wonder when my bad luck is going to get here. Just as I have that thought I find myself outside of the school; not even noticing that my feet took me all the way here without conscious thought.

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