Chapter 3

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A New Friend

At the bell signifying the end of 8th period I hurriedly grab my stuff and, rush out the door. I pull my headphones out of my pocket, and plug them into my phone. Then I hit shuffle to start listening to music that will keep the depression away for just a little while longer while I walk home. None of my friends walk home the same way I do. For the first time ever, I had something on my mind besides just following my normal day to day routine. That note is continuously bugging me. What does it mean? What is the power? What is a strider? Before I knew it I went through 5 songs, and I'm already home.

"Well that was quick", I mumble to myself even though I'm completely aware of the fact that it took just as much time as always. I shamble through to door, completely drained of energy from the depression that's been working it's way back into my heart since I left my friends.

"Hi honey, how was school?", I hear a familiar voice ask cheerily.

"Same as always Mom", I respond in little more than a whisper. Being as my mom had to deal with my depression for my entire life, she made no comment on how low I was talking.

"Is everyone being nice?"

"Yes Mom", I respond in a voice that clearly indicates that I don't want to have a conversation at all. I quickly run up to my room before she can say anything else, and plop down on my bed. My room is pretty plain. The walls are a light gray, the ceiling is white. I don't have any posters or anything like that. It's just my room, my dresser, and my bed.

I don't know if other people feel like this, but when that empty feeling creeps in it's hard to feel absolutely anything else. It feels like there's a part of you missing, and everything is meaningless without it. Things that should make you happy, and make you laugh just don't. It's like everything's a few shades darker, and everything is more dull. Being the genius I am, I have tons of time to think, and I always come to the same conclusion. What's the point? Tears silently roll down my cheek as I just embrace the feeling. I found out long ago it's completely pointless to try to resist it. This is a feeling that saps every last reserve of energy I have. Lacking both sufficient energy to get out of bed, and just plain will power I drift off into sleep.

-The Dream-

I'm walking down the streets of an old run down town, with my hands bound in steel chains. I'm not sure why, but I don't question it. It's not like I can change anything, and even if I could, it's not like it would matter. Even if I could escape my chains, there's no escaping my the prison of my mind. I keep wandering aimlessly; not sure where I'm going, but not stopping. If i stop, then I don't know if i'll be able to start again.

I decide to pass the time by examining my environment. I seem to be in the middle of a kind of village in the middle of the woods. There are some stone houses standing next to black smoldering piles of ash. A few of the stone houses are in shambles, almost like they were struck with a battering ram. I see children's toys scattered across the cobblestone road. Eventually I get to where it feels like I should. Home. It appears completely undamaged from the outside. When I open the door there's an infinite void inside. An all consuming darkness is being emitted from it. I slam the door shut as fast as I can. The darkness is slowly leaking through the cracks though. "What happened here", I say out loud as I try to repress the panic building inside.

"There's no one left to answer that question", responds a mysterious voice from behind me.

I spin around, holding the door with my book and try to process this new person. It seems to be a girl. She's roughly my height. Instead of being a real person, she's more of a shadow. A silhouette. Expect for her eyes. They are a pale blue and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life. When I look into them, I feel like I'm staring into her soul. In that exact moment, I felt like I've known her my entire life. "Ok then, how do we get out of here?"

"First of all, you need to get rid of these", she says as she taps the steel chains on my hands. They instantly disintegrate.

"How'd you do that? That was amazing!", I exclaim excitedly. What is this feeling. Is this... happiness? It can't be, but at the same time it has to be. I've experienced everything else.

"No time to explain, we gotta take care of this", she says as she grabs my hand. As she does, we both light up and a brilliant shining gold. The magnitude of the light could put the sun to shame. The door was blown over, and the darkness was completely consumed and destroyed. I felt elaited. All my life the darkness has been drowning me, and now it's just been completely obliterated. I actually feel happy. More than happy, I feel complete for the first time ever. The emptiness is gone.

"I can't believe it!", I exclaim from sheer bewilderment.

"Well believe it, it's real", she replies in a kind voice with a smile on her face. She is no longer a silhouette. Every thought that I had disappeared. I was completely and totally captivated.

That smile... it's so, "Beautiful"

"Excuse me?", she says with a puzzled expression

I shake my head, why did I say that outloud? STUPID! "Nothing", I reply quickly.

"Oh, ok", she says, a grin appearing on her face. Then is disappeared. "You're waking up. This was just a dream. Don't forget the note. It's true, I promise. Don't tell anyone about this dream. There are people watching you. If you ever find yourself in mortal danger, remember this moment. You should be able to call upon a small amount of your power." She let's go of my hand as she says this. She turns back into a silhouette and slowly starts fading. "Go, Strider, find your power"

Then I woke with a start. I check the time on my phone. It's midnight. I look over, and there's a plate of meatloaf and mashed potatoes on top of my dresser. "Thanks mom", I mumble. I eat the food then go back to sleep. Something is different than normally though. The emptiness is gone. That night, I slept with a smile on my face.

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