The Accident

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Meredith's head hurt as she started to wake up. It was cold, really cold. The hospital was always well heated. She sat up and assessed her injuries. She really wasn't that hurt, just some scratches from some glass. Wait, what glass? What on earth happened.

She turned her head and immediately saw a huge hole in the wall. Protruding from the hole was... a helicopter? What the hell? Wait Amelia! Where was Amelia?

She stood up "Amelia! Come on where are you?" she shouted a few more times taking a step towards the hall, being cautious of the large hole in the wall. After walking around a little more she heard a groan from her left.

"Amelia? Oh gosh Amelia." Amelia was laying on the ground face down, her head resting on her arm, that happened to be twisted at an odd angle. Amelia was still groaning, but so quiet that Meredith could barely hear. "It's alright Amy, I got you."

Meredith slowly and gently rolled her on her back. One by one she started assessing her injuries which were far worse then her own. She started at the head. On her right temple there was a very deep laceration which would probably result in a concussion. Above her left eyebrow there was another deep cut which still had a little piece of glass in it. Slowly Meredith grabbed the glass and pulled it out. Amelia didn't even move. Her right arm was definitely broken and her collar bone was dislocated. Moving down to examine her abdomen, she saw blood and lots of it. Sticking out her stomach was a piece of metal about 4 inches long. She had no idea how deep it was but she couldn't risk it going deeper, it had to come out. Before she got to that, she had to check if there was any internal damage. She slowly pulled up her scrubs so she could see her flat stomach. Immediately she noticed bruising of about 3 ribs and one more definitely broken. Which put her at risk for a collapsed lung. There seemed to be no sign of internal bleeding, which was good. 

Now time to tackle the scrap metal impaling her sister. She got up and looked around for a few towels. One to rest Amelia's head on, and another to stop the bleeding that would follow after she pulled it out. Without a doubt Amelia would feel this.

"Sorry Amy." She took hold of the metal with one hand and the towel in the other and took it out fast. As soon as she did Amelia let out a scream of pain. She started moving around from panic and pain. Meredith with one hand pressing down on her wound and one hand holding down her shoulder kept trying to calm her down. 

"Amy hey Amy look at me come on." Amelia opened her eyes and looked at her. 

"Mer ah it hurts, it hurts, what happened?"

"Shhh I know, a helicopter hit the building and you're really hurt okay?" She nodded her head and laid her head back down. As her head hit the towel she winced. 

"What do we do? Is everyone okay? Hey what are you doing?" Meredith had started looking around for one of the suture kits. She spotted one by the far wall.

"Okay Amy, hold this hear, it will hurt but it's stopping the bleeding." She nodded, this is the first time in a while where Amelia looked really scared. Meredith took her hand and placed it on the towel, then placing hers on top. She pushed down hard setting the example for Amelia. She winced but held the pressure. Meredith quickly got up and ran to the suture kit. She looked inside and bingo, exactly what she needed. She rushed back over to Amelia who was trying to hold her brave face.

"Amelia... I have to stitch this wound, but it will hurt. I have painki-"

"No, no drugs. Just do it." She interrupted before Meredith could finish. 

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