Holding on and letting go

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Back with a new chap~

1 week later...

*Anna's POV*

"Anna? The pencil guy is asking for you." Austin says, while walking past me. He's checking some of the patient's files. "Pencil guy? Who the hell is that?" I ask while frowning. "Oh, that guy who cheated on his girlfriend. And she stabbed him with a pencil in his neck. The pencil guy."

Once he says that, I start laughing. "You're seriously messed up, Austin." I say while stifling my laugh. He grins, and says: "Well we should at least have some fun, while working for 3 whole days." I smile and nod. He's right, that crazy guy.

I walk towards the pencil guy, and put a smile on my face. "I hate fucking cheaters like you. I wish I had a pencil right now, so I could stab you in the eye. Disgusting pig." I hear Mi Na say. Oh hell no! I enter the pencil guy's room, and see a furious Mi Na.

"Mi Na?" I say while patting her, on her shoulder. "Anna... I can't deal with this piece of shit. You take over." She says while shoving his file into my hand. Mi Na leaves the room, I sigh and look at Pencil guy. "I'm glad that bitch is gone. Pff... I felt like my ex was my doctor."

Oh no, he didn't?! I take a step towards him, and say:" Listen you scumbag, you should be happy to still be alive. Dr. Mi Na saved your shitty ass. So, I suggest you shut your trap, and let me examine you." He looks surprised at me, while I ignore him.

I check his wound, and say:" You're alright, but you will have a scar for the rest of your shitty life. Have a great day." Pencil guy scoffs, and flips me off. I shake my head, and leave his room. "Piece of shit." I murmur while walking towards the cafeteria.

*Jiyoung's POV*

I just finished performing a song, I wrote in 2014. Which is called 'Untitled 2014'. This song makes me remember stuff, I want to forget. Shitty relationships, which always left me with a broken heart. That made me write, world known songs.

"Hyung." Seungri pats me on my back. I totally forgot, that I was standing on a stage. With thousands of my fans looking at me. I smile and say:" I was just thinking about, how many faithful fans we have. Always supporting us no matter what.

We're lucky to have fans like them. VIP's... You guys are the best." "I absolutely agree with Jiyoung, You guys have always been there with us. Everything we've accomplished is because of you all. We wouldn't be standing here, if it wasn't for you."

Hyung says while smiling, Daesung gets up from the ground and says:" Let's burn this stage, with our next song. 'Bang Bang '." The crowd goes crazy, Seungri grins and the lights go off. We stand on our places, and are ready to perform.

A bit later, we finish our concert. As we say goodbye to our fans. They start shouting:" ENCORE! ENCORE!" I chuckle, and see Daesung jumping up and down. "YES! ENCORE ENCORE!" The latter and Seungri shout in unison.

I shake my head, and Youngbae asks the crowd:" Which song do you want us to sing?" "BAD BOY!" They all shout in unison. I smile, and think about what Anna said. That Bad boy, was the song that made her a Vip for life.

I miss talking to her, even though we're messaging each other. And calling each other every night, until we fall asleep. But I just miss seeing her face, that smile whenever I look at her. God, I'm falling hard for this girl. She's something else.

"ALRIGHT! HERE WE GOOOO!" Seungri shouts loud. His shouting made stop thinking about Anna. "You Ok?" Youngbae whispers, while smiling at the crowd. I nod, and we start performing our last song.

*Anna's POV*

"I swear, that Cherry lady kept asking me about Hyeon. I think she wants to be your sugar mama." Mi Na says and chuckles. I laugh and Hyeonie shudders. "She's the same age as my mother. EW!" He says with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh come on, buddy. She's hot, she got that sexy mystery look in her eyes." Austin while smirking. "Ew. You would do anything, that has boobs." Mi Na says and makes vomiting noises. I chuckle and Hyeonie scoffs.

"You can have her, I already got my baby Mama." Hyeonie says while laying his head on my lap. I roll my eyes, and Mi Na looks at me. I smile, and she sighs. Huh? Why did she look at me like that? "So, tell us how the hospitals are in America." Hyeonie asks.

"They're kind of the same, we had an empty hospital room we used to chill in. Look at me us, we're sitting in an empty hospital room. Austin's messaging all his booty calls, Mi Na is studying some more. You're laying with your head on my lap, just like high school times."

I smile and say:" While I'm sitting here, eating freaking leftover turkey from last night. Which our neighbor gave us. I'm sure that she pities us." Hyeonie chuckles, while Mi Na throws a lollypop at Austin. Who catches it, and grins. "Don't get used to it, Asshole."

Mi na says, while writing on memo stickers. "So... are you seeing anyone?" Hyeonie asks me. He totally surprised me, by asking that question. I look up at Mi Na, who lifts an eyebrow. "Kind of." I say to Hyeonie, and continue eating.

He smiles and says:" About damn time." I grin and say:" I know right. This guy is different, he-he's something else." "There's that silly grin of you, Anna. You love him, am I right?" He asks me. I sigh and put the food beside me. "I think so... I dunno." I say confused.

He sits up right, and ruffles my hair. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out one way or another." Hyeonie says while smiling at me. I smile and hug him. "That's why you are and will always be, my best guy friend." I say and kiss him on his cheek.

Hyeonie grins and says:" I know." "Get a fucking room." Austin says while grinning. I throw a pillow at his head, he catches it and winks. "Let's get some sleep, we still have an hour." Hyeonie says. I yawn, and say:" Yeah." As I'm about to lay down, my ringtone goes off.

I answer the call, and say:" Hello?" "Annastasia..." I hear my mother say. She never calls just like that. My parents only call on holidays. "Yes. What do you want?" I say slightly irritated. "He-he's gone. Your father... He's gone." I hear her say.

"That's your own fault, that he left you yet again. You got divorced years ago. Then you got married again, then divorced again. I can't follow mum." I say while going with my hand through my hair. "No... yo-your father passed away." Those words made everything stop.

I couldn't think, nor breath. I felt dizzy, shit. I'm having a panic attack. I hear someone calling my name from far away. Next thing I know, is that I fall on the ground. "Anna..." I hear Mi Na say. Before darkness surrounds me completely.


Yeah... sorry, for the sad part.

But it had to happen, I hope y'all liked this chapter.

I'm looking forward to your comments.

Adios for now

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