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Farren trudged through the corridor with Jesse by his side.

It was Monday, meaning that it had been approximately three days since he had bagged himself a boyfriend. It also meant that today they had football practice.

And boy, coach would be sure to be taking it seriously.

It was the beginning of the fifth week of room sharing, meaning that it was only a mere couple of weeks until the big football match that started all this in the first place.

It also meant that his time living with Kaden was coming to an end. They didn't even have two full weeks left together.

The thought bummed Farren out a bit but he reminded himself that just because they wouldn't be spending as much time together, their relationship wouldn't suffer. He refused to let it take the fall.

He was way too invested in Kaden Rivers at this stage.

"Did you do the calc homework?" Jesse asked him, breaking him out of his train of thought.

"Yup." Farren replied for perhaps the first time ever to that question, earning him a look of surprise from Jesse.

"Wait seriously?" Jesse asked with disbelief all over his features.

"Yeah, why does that surprise you?" Farren replied with a chuckle.

"Oh I don't know Farren. Perhaps because in our four years of being in the same calc class in this school, you have done homework less times than I can count on one hand." Jesse replied snarkily, and Farren did admit he had a point.

"Well, things are different now." He replied, straightening up his back in an effort to look put together. "Besides, I always do good on the tests, which proves the homework doesn't even make a difference."

"Why are things different now?" Jesse said with a suggestive smirk and a wiggle of his eyebrows. "Is your boyfriend setting you on the right track? Making you reach your try potential as a mathlete and all that?" he said with a laugh, and Farren rolled his eyes in reply.

"Oh shut up. If anyone was to 'set me on the right track' it wouldn't be Kaden. He's not exactly the model student," Farren said with a snort.

"Why then?" Jesse asked.

"Well if you must know, Kaden is actually a math freak himself, so he got me to do it. Apparently he actually enjoys it or something." Farren said casually, but he couldn't help but show off Kaden a little bit.

"Awh, you're bragging about him. Cute." Jesse said, cooing as if he was talking to a child. Farren felt himself flush in embarrassment.

"Am not," he muttered in denial.

"What's that Farren? Trying speaking up a bit. Maybe then you'll actually convince yourself."

"God I hate you sometimes," Farren sighed wearily.

"I'm not God, I'm Jesse. But don't worry about the mix up, I'm used to it at this stage." Jesse said with a playful smirk, and Farren found himself smirking despite himself.

"I wish you had a mute button sometimes," Farren sighed as he made his way into room 24 and reached his seat in the middle row.

Jesse just sniggered in reply.


"Come on boys, put a little effort into it! We're not gonna beat any team acting like pussies now are we?!"

Farren rolled his eyes at Coach Carter's over the top enthusiasm as he reached the back of the queue.

He checked his sports watch. 6:38.

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