Chapter Fourteen

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"Wait, shit! Jiminie, I don't get to be in your classes anymore!" Taehyung suddenly whined loudly, hugging Jimin.

"Fuck." Jimin whined, hugging back. "I don't wanna deal with Soohan."

"Tell me if anything happens, okay baby?"


"Good. Because I wouldn't have taken no as an answer."

"I could imagine."

"Because I care about you~!"


"What time is it?"

"Time for you to get a watch."

"What time is it?"

"Time to depart our ways into different classes."

"I mean 7:50 would've worked just as well." Taehyung groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.


"I'll see you next period, alright, baby?"

"Okay~" Taehyung smiled slightly, leaning over and lightly kissing the elder's forehead.

"I love you~!"

"I love you too~"

"Soohan's in a few of my classes too, so I'll tell you if anything happens. Bye baby~!"

"Bye Tae~!" Taehyung left another kiss on the elder's forehead before walking off to his English class, humming a bit as he went.


"Hey Taehyung! Have you seen Jimin?" Jeongguk called over, jogging up to the older male. "He's usually here by now."

"I haven't." The older responded, looking at Jeongguk. "He probably just went to the bathroom or something."

"I don't think it takes him that long to pee."

"He might be drying off. He has math with Soohan."

"Would've texted us."

"Stop you're gonna make me panic."

"Alright, I'll see if I can find him." Jeongguk sighed, jogging out of the gym.

Taehyung frowned, walking over to Namjoon and Hoseok, who were arguing about something stupid. "Can either of you smell Jimin?"

"Hard to smell one person in a building full of thousands, Taehyung." Namjoon sighed.

"I tried."

"Yeah well."

"Ugh, shut up."

"Nurses office." Yoongi sighed, pulling out his phone.

"What? Why?"

"Well you said something about Soohan to Jeongguk, I'm assuming it's the same reason."

"Oh no. I'm gonna go see him." Taehyung said, leaving the gym and rushing to the nurse's office.

"Do you know where he is?" Jeongguk called over as Taehyung passed him.

"Nurse's office."




"I know." Taehyung sped up his pace, practically breaking down the nurse's office door when he got there. Jimin sat in front of the nurse, that was currently disinfecting his wounds on his face and some on his stomach and chest area. "Jimin,what happened to you?"

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