Chapter IV

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"Come ON, Ed! Wake up already! Oh Merlin's pants, why is this so difficu-"

"Vhat... iz... difficult...?" Ed grumbled, pulling back his curtain slightly to throw a sleepy glance at his roommate, Terry.

"Waking you up! Seriously... anyway, we should probably head down to breakfast soon..."

Ed nodded, eyes clearing slightly. "Vell... I'm up now... zhoo zhoo..." he idly waved his hand at Terry as he rummaged around for clean clothes (he belatedly realized he'd slept in all his clothes, though he didn't seem at all uncomfortable... he assumed he'd done it before. A lot).

As he pulled on fresh robes, he mentally groaned at the stiffness of his prosthetic limbs. For some reason, they weren't working so well today... Writing it off as unimportant, he hopped out of the bed as he pulled on his left glove, and began rummaging for the books he'd need. Nearby, he heard his other three roommates doing the same. Picking up his Transfiguration textbook, his lip curled in distaste. "Stupid magic..." he grumbled in Amestrian, staring at the book. "It's impossible... even if they do use... magic... these wizards shouldn't be able to bypass the laws... transforming a living creature to an inanimate object... there has to be a counter, a price..." Ed glared at the book in his hands, before growling and slamming in on the ground violently. "It doesn't make ANY. FUCKING. SENSE!!!!" he exclaimed, burying his face in his hands.

"Uh... Ed? You all right over there? You're muttering like a crazy person..." one of his other roommates, Anthony, questioned.

Ed groaned. "I think I've given myself a headache..." he muttered, not deigning to reply to the person as he placed the abused textbook into his bag.

"You sure you're all right, mate?" the concerned face of Terry Boot peered over the bed at Edward, and the amnesiac boy sighed.

"I am vine. Just vranting. Zhou tvy having no memovry."


"Vhat I just said. Having no memovry makes live difficult." Ed replied, placing his Charms and Potions textbooks into his bag as well.

"Wait, wait, wait! You don't remember... anything?" his third roommate, Michael Corner, interrupted.

"Non. Nozhing bevore leettle over a monzh ago. Zhe Gryvvindore, Herrmione, taught me Eenglish... iz vhy I sit vith herr durving loonch. She iz vriend."

"Whoa... I've never known someone with amnesia before... and you're still so smart! I mean, it's unnatural! You really do belong in Ravenclaw... I think you may be one of the smartest people here!"

Ed shrugged at Terry's statement. "Not smart. Jest good at memorizing. Ant very fast vreader."

"Uh... that counts as smart, you know." Anthony cut in, and Ed groaned.

"Vhatever! Let's jest go eat!" he snapped in irritation, though a slight eye-roll gave away his irritation as less than serious. Terry and the others merely laughed as they grabbed their bags and followed him to the Great Hall. As they sat down at the Ravenclaw table, however, Edward groaned.

"Something wrong, Mr. Elric?" a simpering voice sounded from behind the blond, causing him to wish a thousand deaths on the person who invented human-toad chimeras.

"I jest vremembered... zhou gave me stoopid detention last night, non?" the amnesiac boy nearly wanted to shoot himself right then, as he realized he'd probably have to see even more of the toad-lady because he decided a nap was more important than some silly school crap.

"Don't try to pull the excuse that you forgot, Mr. Elric. I was willing to play nice with you, but this level of disrespect is completely uncalled for. I will see you in my office tonight, and if you skip again, I will arrange with the Minister to get you expelled, do you understand me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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