My sister and I are Warriors and we have a great adventure with all of our friends! :3
Read If you like weird stories lol
And the credit of the art and most of the cats goes to my amazing sister IAMDEADFOREVER
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Name: Aki Clan: Salor Clan Rank: Warrior Gender: Female Age: 16 Mate: Tobi Persona: Nice, Kind, Funny,Caring, Loving, challenging, loyal, skillful, unfoolable, boyish, stubborn, and tough Bio: lived as kitty pet her dad and brother left when she was little so she got curious and went to the woods so she went into the woods and runs in to a cat name Tobi and her mom got scared that her daughter was missing and the mom started to cry so her daughter was talking to the cat that she ran in to she asked him how is woods life in the woods he said it is good do you want to join are clan sure they went to the clan they all starred at her then she saw her dad she run up to him and cried daddy daddy and she was a big part of the clan now. Family: Solar,Kaida, T-kit,Topher Kits:Leo,Ember, Autumn Extras: is a good warrior, love family and friends