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Name: Frankie
Clan: Solar clan
Rank: Hunter
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Mate: T-kit
Persona: Funny,
Bio: Frankie was a meadow cat, he loved to prance around in the tulips and dandelions. Frankie's family went on a big journey, but they left him at the watering hole in the meadow. But he soon met up with other cats and got a home.
Family: Father is alive and LOVES him
Kits: None
Extras: Likes T-kit. Has a bow on his ear, Loves to hug T-kit

Tracking: 9\10
Hunting: 10\10
Speed: 8\10
Swimming: 0\10
Sight: 7\10
Smelling: 6\10
Digging: 5\10
Stamina: 8\10
Honest: 9\10
Defense: 7\10
Trustworthy: 9\10
Leading: 4\10
Healing: 2\10
Knowledge: 8\10

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