Birthday Bows

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Snow fell soundlessly from the heavy clouds above as you and Harry trekked home from his birthday dinner. He had suggested calling a taxi when you left his friends at the restaurant, mentioning that the two of you may have had a few too many and it was a bit chilly for a midnight stroll. But the second the first flake hit your nose and you took in the way the light from the street lamps reflected off the fresh fallen snow down the path toward home, you insisted on walking.

"It's like a postcard, Harry," you said hopefully, pushing him to concede. Your giddy smile and flushed cheeks are what got him to agree even though he knew you'd both be chilled to the bone by the time you got home. But for now you had each other and the alcohol in your bellies to keep warm.

You had both drank more than you planned, especially Harry. But the wine had been flowing and the conversation among friends was rolling; it was the most at ease you had seen Harry in weeks. Prepping for tour always got him a bit stressed, and you only had a few more weeks before he hit the road again, so you weren't going to put a stop to the drinking and dampen the mood. You just hoped Harry would be up for all you had planned upon the return home; you knew how a wine drunk got him a bit sleepy.

But you were reassured that Harry was less drunk than he seemed as you cut through the park together and you lost your footing a bit on the slick footpath. Before you could tumble sideways into the snowdrifts, Harry's grip on your hand tightened as he reached to steady you by the waist. He looked down at you, checking to make sure you were all right and as an amused smile broke out across your lips, he busted out laughing.

Laughter echoed through the empty park. You clung to the edges of Harry's coat, burying your face in his chest as you continued to giggle. His hand caressed the back of your neck as he kissed your temple. "And I thought I had too much to drink, love."

"Hey!" You swatted his chest playfully, causing him to put his hands up to defend himself. "I'm not drunk, the path is icy."

"Sure, love."

"Harry, really!" you giggled. "I'm not drunk." He eyed you knowingly. It may have been dark, but you knew his eyes were shining as they always did when he was being playful. "Just a bit tipsy."

"Just a bit tipsy," he repeated, throwing his arm over your shoulders and continuing the journey home.

"Yes," you said firmly before adding under your breath, "I needed to boost my confidence for later anyway."

"Hmm?" Harry glanced down at you with intrigue. You gave him a coy smile and shrugged. He wasn't satisfied, but he didn't feel the need to press further. Home was close and he'd get it out of you soon enough. 

Harry held you tightly around the waist, pulling you in front of him, so you could ascend the front stairs together. His hold didn't falter as he dug in his pocket for the keys. He made a show of trying to fit the right key into the door, wiggling his hips and dancing behind you as he played. Soon you were laughing, pressed up against the door as he fooled around.

"Harry, please! I'm cold," you giggled.

"'Member, love, you asked for this," he said, finally unlocking the door and pushing it open. You stilled, swallowing hard at his words. Would he be saying that again later? "Yeh the one who wanted to walk home."

A sly bump of his pelvis against your bum sent you over the threshold. As he busied himself closing and locking the door you removed your coat and hung it in the closet, offering a hanger to Harry when he was ready.

"Yeh know," he started, kicking off his wet boots and heading further into the house. You followed him, opting to keep your heels on. He leaned against the kitchen counter, his hair a bit damp from the snow and hanging loosely over his shoulders. As you were thinking about how sexy he was, he wondered if he'd ever grow accustomed to your beauty; he hoped not. "I don't think I ever got my birthday present from you."

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