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*Third Person POV*

"Morning, where's D?" Este questions Carter as she walks into the kitchen.

"She started getting a scratchy throat last night after rehearsal, so I'm letting her sleep in." Carter answers.

"But we have a radio interview in an hour."

"Yeah I know, I'm taking you two. She's going to stay home today, her health is more important." Carter argues.

"Is she really that sick?" Alana asks.

"No, but we don't want her to get that sick."

"That's okay, She hardly talks in interviews anyway." Alana shrugs before finishing off her glass of orange juice.

"She's a woman of few words." Carter agrees as she pours cereal into a bowl.


"How many times can we get asked 'Where's Danielle?' in the span of one hour?" Alana asks once everyone is back inside the car after the interview.

"Apparently like fifty." Carter answers.

"Where the fuck, the fuck is Danielle!?" Este sings, reminding everyone of the rap she made up at one of their shows a few years ago.

"Shhh she's calling." Carter says before answering her phone. "Hey babe, how are you feeling?"

"Not good." Danielle replies in her scratchy voice.

"Shit, you don't sound good. We are on our way home right now."

"Okay, will you bring me a chocolate milkshake?"

"Yes of course. Where do you want it from?" Carter asks sweetly.

"In N Out, and can you bring home some fries too?"

"Yes of course. Be home soon, love you."

"Love you." Danielle whispers in her sore voice before hanging up.

"Fuck, she sounds horrible." Alana points out.

"Yeah, I'm going to force her to stay in bed and drink herbal throat tea until she's better." Carter says as she makes a left turn into the In N Out drive through near their house.

"She's going to hate you." Este laughs.

"That's fine, we need to get her in perfect condition within the next three days before tour." Carter replies before rolling down her window to order everyone some food.


They walk in the front door to see Danielle curled up on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching some reality tv show.

"What's up Dyella-rito burrito!" Alana laughs at her sister.

"Shut Up." Danielle's voice cracks.

"You Shut Up, I don't want to hear you talking." Carter points her finger at Danielle.

"What?" Dani asks concerned.

Carter takes a seat next to her and gives her girlfriend her milkshake and fries. "Try to talk the least you possibly can please. Rest your voice." Carter kisses her forehead before getting back up off of the couch. "I'm going to run to the store to grab a few more things for you."

"You're leaving again?" Este asks.

"Yes, take care of your sister."

"Noooo." Este whines.


"I bought you a whiteboard to write everything you want to say." Carter gives Danielle the whiteboard and marker.

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