Meeting the twins

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I lived in Texas ever since I was little. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world amazing parents, my best friends, and my school. But oh how I was wrong. I thought my life was complete with all of those things I thought I had found my life in Texas. But little did I know when I moved to LA my life was going to change.

I'm 17 years old and my name is Alisha. I had just finished packing my stuff out of my room walking down the stairs into the empty living room which my parents arguing in, I could hear them from upstairs. The house was really echoey so I would be able to hear them if they were whispering. Ever since I was little my parents would constantly argue there was no end to each argument. It's like they would battle till one of them gave up. I walked into the living room slowly trying to not pay attention to their argument. I walked out to the car putting the last box of my things into the back of the car. My parents came outside and got in the car. Since we were driving from Houston Texas to Los Angelous California it would be a long drive. I put my earbuds in listening to my music to drown out my parents obnoxious bickering.

When we finally arrived in LA we went into the beautiful home. It was gorgeous moving from Texas was starting to look better for me. We unpacked our boxes I put together my bed still leaving boxes on the floor for another day when I wasn't as tired. Alisha don't forget tomorrow is your first day at your new college please get your backpack ready and set your clothes out my mom said from down stairs. Okay I said echoing through the house. I layed on my bed looking up to the ceiling taking a deep breathe. I started to get my school supplies together thinking of the worst that could happen tomorrow. When I was finished packing my backpack  I stood up and walked to my closet which had been filled with my clothes that I brought from Texas. I picked out a maroon dress and some long boots setting them on a chair in front of my long mirror.

My parents called me down for dinner, they had orderd pizza since we didn't have the much food. Pizza was just the thing to make me feel better. I snagged down  4 slices of pizza then headed to my bathroom to shower. I put my pajamas on and climbed into bed  falling into a deep sleep.

My alarm went off at 5:30 am I hated having to get up so early. I put on my dress and boots. I headed to my bathroom to do my hair. I curled my hair into wavy curls ( duh that's why it's called a hair curler lol😂) . I headed down stairs with my backpack swung over my shoulder. I grabbed a banana going out the front door. I started to walk to school I had about a 5 minute walk.

When I arrived at school  I checked my schedule I have math 1st period. I headed to my math class. Hi Mrs.plude right I asked. Yes are you are new student Alisha. Yes mam. Well welcome she said very pleasantly. Would anyone please let Alisha sit in an empty seat beside them. This cute guy raised his hand. Alisha you may sit by Mr.Dolan. Okay thank you mam. I sit in my seat setting my backpack down beside my desk. Hi my is Grayson Dolan. Oh nice to meet you Grayson. You can just call me gray if you would like. Okay gray. First we'll be working on algebraic equations with your partner. Did you learn this at your old school. Uh no I mummer. Grayson leans closer to me showing me how to do the work.

             Grayson's point of view
Alisha smelled so amazing when I leaned over to help her with the class work. When she would ask questions I would just stare into her eyes I loved her Texas accent. It had a southern touch it was so cute, she was so cute.

            Alisha's point of view

When class was over I headed to my next class which was English. I
Walked into the class seeing a fimilair face it was Grayson or so I thought. I sat beside "Grayson" hey it's nice to see a filmilar face I giggled. "Grayson" stared at me all confused. It's me Alisha I just saw you two minutes ago in Mrs.plude's class. I don't have Mrs.Plude he stuttered. Gray don't mess with me I laughed. Oh I'm not Grayson I'm Ethan Dolan Grayson's twin. Oh ok that makes much more since because I didn't see the blue hair in Grayson's hair so that had me off. He laughed so you said your name is Alisha he asked. Yes. That's  a pretty name. Thank you. We didn't talk that much through the rest of the class when the teacher gave her lecture. The rest of the day was a blur I sat alone at lunch all alone. When I got home I layed on my bed exhausted from the long day of school. The twins made it better. The twins were really nice I hope we become good friends.

Thank you guys for reading the first chapter of the book I don't have a uploading schedule btw. I hope enjoy the book.

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