Intro: Clans

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Blizzard Clan: Have red collars. They are fierce, brave, and adorable. The not only kill to protect each others but they tend to throw a lot of cats off with their adorable looks and personality's. Has most main characters Kaida,T-kit,Grace, Accalia (Aki),Leo,Ember, Autumn, Tobi, Melissa, Solar, Jacob, Yugo, Matilda, Stephen, Ash, Judy, Harmony, Luna, Dom, Tanner, Mr. Lubenzki. (The story is mostly in Blizzard Clan).

Game Clan: They has blue collars, They think that the whole world is infact one big game and they have to defeat all the gaurds to actually get to the final boss so they can live in Peace. Some of the main cats are in this wonderful clan Cwisy, Brit, Pawsly, Stitch, Dolly, Holly, Tiz, Judar, Justin, Juston, Ginger, Owen.

Moon Clan: has one main character, which is Ako his mother loves to make Naomi suffer they do not feed her the Frazzle clan is devastated. Have green collars and most of the cats like to talk about poop . Lea, Ako,Naomi

Gore Clan: They are blood thirsty for other cats blood and their leader Bone likes to make other cats suffer. They are not as cruel as Shade clan but are quite fierce and can pick up a fight really quickly.

Shade Clan: They are a murdering clan and give no mercy or praise, they often kill for no reason. They mate for only one reason and that is to raise more cat troops to kill for their leader Nightshade who is planning to take over the world.

Sun Clan: Has yellow collars,Sun Clan ~ Yellow collars, Are very protective over the good clans and will lead others to battle without being afraid. They are very loyal to those that the love and swear to protect their lands from Shade Clan, Gore Clan, and even Frazzle Clan. Sun Clan cats are also one of the highest rankings of the cats so they have a high reputation that cannot break because if they lose trust in you...there is no turning back.Something like that, Sun Clan is a protective calm who watch over the youngins and over all the good clans to protect them and themselves from bad bloodshed(war)

Loners: Cloud, Wendy, Crow, Alice

Sorry I didn't write all the cats down

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