okay wow(rude)

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Blue's p.o.v~

I scoffed as the stopped ten paces away from my laying figure. pap's had tried to take a step but before his shoe could hope to feel the ground i summoned a sharp bone in front of him. Like magic he stopped as quickly as he started. "How did you get here?" They continued to stare, but ink just stood there. He seemed off.....Oh~ i know what happened. His soul vial must be leaking....He's slowly going back to being soulless. As i glanced back at them I noticed fresh missing.....shit. i teleported out of the way as he fell down on the spot where I was stabbing where my soul would have been with a sharp multi-colored bone."OKAY WOW. rude, now as i asked how did you get here?" paps seemed to snap out of it and glare at fresh.... fresh just shrugged. what's going on? i'm so confused...." well brother we came to bring you home, we came to help you." i laughed at him as i stopped tension so thick you could cut it,"And what if I don't want your help?" he stopped and stared, "See that's our problem paps you always think you know what's right for me. even though i have always been the one taking care of you even since we were baby bones. strange isn't it? how when you think you love some one you'd do anything for them?" he seemed at a loss for words so i continued, "Friends? family? SO USELESS....Oh! ink i forgot you were here~" he moved his white irises in my direction as i walked to him. fresh seemed to tense up at this but allowed for curiosity, "I didn't think i chipped your little vial! if your gonna hold soul ink in a glass vial you should really get stronger glass~," i stroked his cheek," oh poor ink....poor soulless ink... You know this wouldn't be happening if you could've just kept your promise. But i guess even my so called 'friends' and 'family' don't care about me." i grabbed his chin harshly and made him look towards me as he tried to look away i forced his eye's(?) to look at me. "So now that we've gotten that out of the way, HOW ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he sweat dropped and looked down shyly, but to avid his koi attitude i began to push him in the air by his chin and forced a sharp bone at his collar bone. "TELL ME NOW." he looked at me and began to speak," well error and nightmare's gang sent us to find you since well you disappeared and their.....their worried about you. but he found your coding but with all the defensive walls he was only able to let us four in." i dropped him to the white ground and began to stroke my skull as i thunk out a plan. of course error could find my code, but he wasn't able to get in. But when did they worry about any body? when they begin to worry about me? their not, they need you for your power. of course there's no other explanation.....They're just using you. who would ever care about you? so weak, so stupid, They just pity you. i know.... my mood snapped as rage consumed me i looked towards the group, "OUT" they were not going to see me in pain...they would just pity me more. before they could say no i opened a portal to the anti void under them and the fell in.  i hurriedly put up all defensive codes to disable them even be able to see my code. it was like every trace of my existence vanished. I barely finished before i fell to the floor and gripped my skull. pain rung through my head....He was erasing my memories again? that worthless dings....when this is over i'll finish him. i opened my sockets barely to see error's and white. tears started to pour out, but something was wrong.... They felt like acid....Like they were staining my bones

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