chapter 3

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As I waited patiently for "family" to get ready I texted August and ask him where he would be today and apparently he's gonna be watching the same shxt my mom woke me up to watch.. She woke me tf up and I'm the one waiting on them.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear

My mom and Rick her "fiancé" is walking down together with jelee behind them, The bitch in the flesh..

"Are you guys ready if you re just gonna stand there and look at me?" I said quite annoyed

"She all dressed up Rick. She's even in a little make up. I never thought I'd see this day" she said surprised"Is it a boy sweetheart?" Referring to me

"Can't a girl got dressed up because she feels like it? Why to would a boy the reason behind this?" I said rolling my eyes

But it was true. I hardly even make an effort to comb my hair when I'm going out with my family much less getting dressed. Wearing makeup is definitely new.. I hate it and ion even know how to use it .. like I only thought the only highlight in the world was for hair colour and for marking something in a book.not for faces. But never the less I tried it out this morning because I know I would be seeing August.

"She still looks ugly regardless of what she wears" snorts my step sister
Ha. The bitch was still here

"I didn't think I ask for the opinion of a person who dress's like a prostitute just to drag the attention away form the fact the she's ugly as fuck. God! even your make up is crying to be off that God awful face of yours. Do us all a favor and die. A face like yours should have never been created" I stated dryly without a hint of emotion behind it. It's too early in the morning for this bullshit.

"That's was not nice Alrielle. I think u should apologize" stated Rick

"Who died and made u the boss of me? No one!! I still have my dad so stop trying to act like you are mine!" I snapped at him and regretted it immediately. He's really a good person but his daughter was a complete bitch
"Rick I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I just snapped but I will not apologize to her when she was the one who started it" I stated respectfully.
My mother was quite the entire time
" Well we know you won't do what you don't want to so I see no point in carrying on this conversation. Are we all ready to go?" Rick asked

"Yes finally!!" I said as i jumped off the bed and headed straight to the car

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