Finding true friends

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Dinner was over and Ginny and Hermione had yet to come back. Blaise and Draco told there friends to go to the dorms and wait, while they found the girls. Everyone knew the boys loved them and it wasn't a secret. The boys looked everywhere except the room of requirement, so they decided to check it out. Once they opened the door, they heard them screaming. They weren't screaming in sadness, it was pain. The boys ran until the found the girls quite and dead looking. Blaise ran to Ginny and Draco ran to Hermione, neither had a plus. The boys picked up the girls and ran to the 7th year dorm. Once they got there the girls woke up, grabbing the boys shirts. "It hurts everywhere" they moaned in pain. Everyone helped open the room door's which were next to each other. "Everyone get some rest we'll take care of them." With a nod everyone went to Their rooms. Ginny and blaise were out. Draco had finished changing and came back to Hermione's room. She was in a black nightgown and she jumped when she saw Draco in the doorway. " why don't you have a shirt on Draco?" " sorry mine was soaked in tears" "Draco can you stay with me?" He nodded and got in bed next to her, lay on his back. He flinched when she put her head on his chest. "night mione" when their was no answer he looked down to see her fast asleep. He smirked and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. Only to be out cold seconds later.

Slytherin HermioneWhere stories live. Discover now