This is Me

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Sunday 8, 2017

Hi. I'm Max, Maxwell Burns. As you can see or read I am a boy. But I do not want to be a boy. Also, I forgot to tell you my mom is a strict catholic, and my dad has gone on to new people, to see new things. At least that's what he says. Anyway, I also have an annoying little sister, her name is Maria. Wait! I think she's calling me. Oh, it's just moms tea sizzling in the pot. Yep. That's just about how annoying she is. I know what your thinking, why don't I just ask to change genders? Been there. Done that. Never works. If you don't believe me ask my mom, my guidance counselor, all my 7 teachers, but not my dad. He's different, he was okay with me changing, since I'm only ten I couldn't get my top and bottom surgeries yet. Though, I could change my clothes and my name. But he's gone. My mom drove him away, literally she drove him to his "girlfriends" house. He cheated. Lied. But told me I could. And that's why today I will find him.

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