Chapter 1: FREAK!!!

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Trigger warning: child abuse

Harry blinked in the poor light of his 'room' which was actually a cupboard under the stairs. As much as he hated Malfoy and Snape he would rather be back at Hogwarts. He was rudely interrupted by Uncle Vernon throwing open his door and bellowing for him too make breakfast. Of course he didn't use his name he just called him freak like always. He was met with his uncles purple-red face with beady piggy eyes and barely any neck , he was extremely overweight. Obviously he would never dare tell his uncle that or he would get a brutal beating even though that wasn't out of the ordinary as he regularly received them anyway. He'd been to busy in his own thoughts that he'd spaced out for a few minutes accidentally ignoring his uncle. Suddenly he was thrown against the wall by his livid uncle who fisted his hair as he mercilessly punched him. His glasses had thankfully already dropped to the ground so at least they didn't get broken. The last thing he needed was broken glass cutting into him. His uncle repeatedly slammed his head into the wall. He dropped to the ground barely conscious, his uncle then kicked his ribs so many times he lost count. "Uncle Vernon stop please! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He cried despite having done nothing. Even if he hadn't done anything it was best to apologise anyway sometimes it would appease his uncle enough that the muggle would stop beating him. But this time his uncle didn't stop. He kept kicking and punching Harry's bruised and frail body. He only vaguely noticed being dragged outside in the shed. NO....not the shed , he had learned to fear the shed very early on. He trembled and sobbed , begging his uncle not to put him in the shed but Vernon paid no attention to the poor boys pleads. His uncle unbolted the door and he was pulled roughly inside. There was chains with cuffs hanging from the ceiling his wrists were bolted in the tight, rusting, metal cuffs digging in to his already swollen skin and hurting him. he was suspended high enough that he couldn't touch the floor,and his arms already ached. His uncle screamed in is face about no food for an extra two weeks. But Harry was beyond the point of caring now. The pig of a man picked up a splintered and bloodied baseball bat. It had once been Dudley's but Harry's cousin had lost interest in baseball as fast as he could eat a donut...which only took him a few seconds. Dudley had hit the ball so hard it had gone over into the road and then been ran over by a car. Without a ball he had decided to hit Harry instead. Then Dudley and his friends had gone to buy sweets leaving Harry winded and coughing up blood in the yard. Now Dudley's father took up the same weapon to beat the vulnerable boy they were meant to be caring for. Harry struggled against the chains as Vernon advanced towards him. The baseball bat connected with his stomach and he felt the air rush out of him as agony shot through him. He gagged and coughed spitting out blood. Vernon struck him over and over again until there was a poodle of blood and vomit on the floor underneath him. Blood trickled down his mouth and his eyes were half closed as he struggled to remain conscious. He let out a tiny whimper of pain snd fear. His Griffindor courage was starting to fail him. His uncle picked up a Stanley Blade and Harry's pupils dilated as sheer terror turned his blood to slush. He let out a long string of whimpers as Vernon used the blade to tear his shirt off and then he ran the razor sharp metal across Harry's pale skin. Harry screamed but as he did his Uncle shoved a cloth into his mouth effectively gagging him. Harry's screamed we're now drowned out and became muffled. Crimson ink flowed over a deathly pale canvas. Only that ink was his blood and the canvas his body. Any shred of Griffindor bravery he'd had left withered away as hot tears ran down his cheeks and tremors racked his body. Vernon threw the blade on the ground after an agonising 20 minutes. He slapped the bleeding boy harshly. "I HOPE YOU'VE LEARNT YOUR LESSON BOY! NEXT TIME I WON'T BE SO MERCIFUL. WE'VE GIVEN YOU THE FOOD OFF OUR TABLE AND PUT A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD PURELY OUT OF THR GOODNESS OF OUR HEARTS AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY US? BY BEING A...A...FREAK!" Vernon screamed in his face while yanking his hair just to make sure the message sunk in. Then he finally left. Once his uncle Vernon was gone Harry broke down from the pain and despair he eventually cried himself to sleep. He didn't feel his aunt Petunia , who deep down had at least a shred of intelligence and knew the boy would die out there , bring him inside and put him in his cupboard. She emotionlessly covered Harry's frail body with the moth eaten rag that served as his blanket and left.
Harry woke up expecting to find himself hanging from the shed ceiling but instead He was in his cupboard, don't get him wrong He was glad to be in the cupboard instead of the torture room but also curious as to who had brought him inside , he doubted it was one of the Dursley's , they did not care for him or his well being , although there was a possibility it was Petunia , Harry was starting to think she might feel a little guilty because sometimes when Vernon is at work she'll clean and bandage his wounds. Sometimes she even gives him extra food when Vernon isn't looking. Harry was pretty good at reading people most of the time. Whenever Vernon got angry , Petunia would flinch and looked terrified. Maybe the only reason she plays along is because she's afraid? Fear makes people do crazy things. One night Harry swore he'd heard Petunia crying and saying the name "Lily" and that she was sorry and missed her. Vernon was on an overnight trip to work and wasn't there to hear our witness it. Harry had wanted to go and comfort her and ask her who Lilly was , but the 6 year old was too scared that he might get a beating. Although come to think of it Petunia had never actually struck him before. She'd yelled a few times , but that might of been due to all the stress , anxiety and built up fear that just spilled over in the form of her yelling when she was scared. Sometimes Harry felt bad for her. He hated Vernon and Dudley but He couldn't bring himself to completely hate Petunia. He groaned as he slowly lifted his head. Pain shot through his entire body making Harry throw up because it was so painful. He wanted to sleep but that wasn't an option oh well better get on with the chores... he dragged himself out of the cupboard and to the kitchen there was a note on the wall. It stated that the Dursley's had gone to the theme park as a treat for Dudley making it onto the Rugby team. The note had a list of chores he needed to complete in three hours before they got back. It also enclosed a threat that If he failed to complete them then he'd be punished severely. Harry looked at the extensive list of chores and sighed. "Well this will be fun..." he mumbled bitterly to himself as he grabbed the hoover and dragged it upstairs decking to work from the top down. He hovered his Aunt and Uncles room and dusted it , tidied away Dudley toys and ended up slicing his palm open with the ring pull of a Pepsi can that was discarded on the floor. Harry shook his head in disgust at the rubbish chucked everywhere. He decided not to waste time treating the cut on his hand. He needed every second to complete all the chores. If he didn't a tiny cut on his hand would be the least of his worries. He hurriedly dumped rubbish in the trash bag and took it out in the bin. Then he hoovered Dudley's room. He scrubbed the bathroom floor despite the pain in his hands and knees. His knee caps were bruised and red and he knew one of his knee caps was dislocated from when Dudley had kicked him in the knee cap when they were playing football. Harry hadn't wanted to play but he didn't get a choice. It was Harry against Dudley and all his friends. However because of Harry's quick reflexes as a Seeker he had scored a goal which made Dudley angry so he got booted in the shins by his cousin. He couldn't stop himself letting out a pained whimper as he cleaned the bathroom floor his aching body protesting his every movement. The bleach fumes were starting to make him feel light headed. He scrubbed the toilet , sink , bath and shower before putting away the mop and bucket after emptying out the watered down bleach. He looked at his hands that were red and sore from the bleach , his uncle forbade him from wearing gloves saying he didn't want to pay for new ones because of Harry. He felt a few tears prick at the corners of his eyes as he walked into the hallway where the hoover was to continue with his chores. He  winced as he grabbed the hoover with his sore , chapped hands. His skin was breaking and peeling. Since the bleach was diluted the burns weren't too serious but they were still nasty and incredibly painful. He hoovered the hallway and stairs before heading downstairs to hoover the living room. Polish all the wooden furniture and the marble hearth. He dusted everything then mopped the kitchen floor. He sorted through the cupboards throwing away everything that had gone off. But not before salvaging what he could. He wouldn't dare take any fresh food , for Vernon would surely notice , however he could mostly like get away with this. He only managed to salvage a single tin of pears that was a week out of date but since they were tinned they'd probably be safe to eat at least he hoped so. They smelt fine and he didn't see any mood so he quickly ate them. He'd probably regret eating the whole tin later since his lack of food meant he couldn't stomach large amounts of food , however he hadn't eaten in quite awhile and Vernon had said he wouldn't get food for a week so Harry threw caution to the wind and ate the Whole tin. Then he threw away the empty tin along with the other food that was too far gone to be consumed. Two tins of corned beef that was four years out of date. They'd been given to the Dursley's by Mrs Figg. The bananas from the fruit bowl that had gone brown and mushy and two tin of sardines that were a few days out of dead. The Dursley's didn't like Sardines and after Harry had eaten them at Mrs Figg's he decided he didn't like them either. He found the old bowl that Aunt Marge's dog Ripper had put a whole in. He emptier  the sardines into it and hid it in the alley near the house which he knew was frequented by a lot of stray cats. The sardines may not be fit for humans but cats would enjoy them. Before he'd even turned to leave he saw three cats pop their heads out and advance towards the fishy treat. They were the three braver ones out of the group of strays that called the alley home. Harry had named them. He would sit and talk with them when he was free from his hell. One was a female tabby called Tora , a short haired black oriental male named Nightshade and a Male Ginger Tabby named Nemo. Harry had picked the names. Nemo came up to Harry and rubbed his head against Harry's Leg. Harry reached down and scratched his head. "Where's you're two friends?" He asked. As he said that two black and white kittens came tumbling out from behind a box play fighting with each other. They stopped when the picked up the scent of a sardine snack. They padded over towards what was left of the sardines. The girl Harry had name Yin because she had more black in her coat and the boy was Yang who had more white in his coat. He gave all the cats some affection and then quickly ran back to the house. He'd gotten distracted by his adorable furry friends. Harry's heart drummed wildly against his rib cage. He still needed to clean the kitchen unit and appliances and then prepare the Dursley's dinner before they came home. Harry sprinted back to the house and frantically scrubbed down the kitchen counter tops , did the dishes and cleaned the sink , cooker and microwave. He washed his hands , then he started to cook a lemon and thyme pan seared salmon fillet with hollandaise sauce , chips and a salad garnish. The Dursley's always expected the finest food to be served to the. Anything under their expectations would earn him a beating. He could understand Hermione's point of view on the house elf situation. He was in the middle of cooking when the Dursley's came home. He gulped in fear. Vernon glowered at him when he saw that the food wasn't ready. He was in a foul mood from listening to kids screaming and barf at the theme park and he was hungry but his food wasn't on the table and there wasn't a cup of tea waiting for him. So now he was angry. He stormed up to a shaking Harry and grabbed the hand that wasn't holding the pan and pressed it onto the stove for at least a minute , scorching his flesh. Harry screamed in agony as the smell of burnt flesh filled the room. Petunia stared in Horror while Dudley laughed manically at Harry's pain. "Let that serve as incentive to work faster Freak." Vernon growled lowly. Harry whimpered and nodded as he continued cooking with his less injured hand. The hand he was cooking with was the same hand he'd cut open earlier. Unfortunately he was right handed and even if he could use his left hand even a little it was now painfully burnt and blistered. So he struggled through the pain. He managed to finish cooking and serve the food. Then he had to make Vernon and Petunia tea and get a can of Pepsi for Dudley as well as open the can because Dudley couldn't be bothered. Petunia looked at him sadly. Harry forced a weak smile even though he felt like collapsing. He returned to his cupboard and passed out on his mattress. However he didn't get to sleep for long. Half an hour later he woke up to the sound of loud knocking on the door. He was about to leave his cupboard to go answer if but before He could move He heard the click of the lock and the the sounds of an argument So he decided stay quiet and listen to what was going on....

"Get out. out" shrieked petunia in fear. She was confused , not quite sure what was going on. There was a Giant of a man standing at the door wearing clothes made of dead animals and it terrified her. Especially as she was Vegetarian. The idea of a large man killing animals terrified her to no end. "Oh shut it Dursley i'm not leaving without the boy." The man replied in a low gravely voice making Petunia flinch. In a way This man reminded her of Vernon. Large and scary. "You aren't taking my precious duddykins a-away." She stuttered out trying to stand her ground. "I don't want your pig of a son, I'm here for Harry Potter." Petunia blinked. Why did this tall scary man want Harry? She wasn't sure and as much as she wanted to protect the boy from any more harm than he had to endure as it was. She highly doubted she'd be able to stop this rugged Giant if he decided to Just take Harry. Lilly I'm sorry... she thought to herself as she hung her head. "What do you want with that FREAK !" boomed Vernon as he stood behind Petunia , a large beefy hand on her shoulder. His grip like a vice. She didn't dare raise her head. "I'm 'ere to take Arry back to 'Ogwarts and away from you filthy pigs" Hagrid growled out , and with that Hagrid shoved passed the durleys and strode into the house his booming footsteps echoing in the hallway as he called Harry's name. In the cupboard Harry who'd been listening to the argument suddenly found he was unable to stand any longer from his beatings he'd sustained , as his body was still in excruciating pain, dropped to the floor with a loud thwack alerting Hagrid to his location. Blood was pooling beneath his head and he looked pale and sickly. He looked like a corpse , made of nothing more than skin and bone. You'd honestly think he was dead. Hagrid ripped off the door to the musty cupboard and was met with a horrifying sight. There on the floor laid Harry's crumpled form , caked in dry blood , black , blue , yellow and purple bruises adorned his skin and his back was littered with scratches. He had a nasty burn on his arm which was hanging limply , seemingly broken, even in his unconscious state he was crying. Some crystal drops of salty water rolled down his pale , cold cheeks. His body shaking violently. Hagrid scooped him up and huddled him close. Then he glared at the dursleys "you'll pay for this." His inky black eyes lingered on Petunia's form for a few minutes there was something off with that women. She was so....Skittish. Like she was afraid if she made one wrong move something would break. Be it herself or something else. However he had other , more important things to deal with. Like for instance , the beaten form of his favourite student. Hagrid wasn't one to get easily enraged but right now he was livid. He took one more glance at Number 4 private drive , a gobsmacked Vernon , a bewildered Dudley , and the sullen , sombre form of Petunia before he left his heavy foot steals becoming faint until they were inaudible. Harry had no clue of what was in store for him...but now he was free from the Dursley's.

Words: 3160
Authors note: ok so hi I'm Fairytail freak 937 and this my fanfic I love Harry Potter as much as fairytail which is a lot I apologise for my bad grammar and writing and quality let me know if you like this and I will continue it if any one is even reading this which is probably an no anyways yes I hope you enjoy it I know it's a dark theme but that is what I tend to write for some reason so sorry again I apologise now because I'm an amateur and I suck anyway let me know if you like this. Goodbye kittens~ 💚❤️🐱💚❤️
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