A-Z Questions

25 4 16

axgordon tagged me in this and I'm sorry it's taken me forever to do it but here it is finally.

A- Available?
Yes and no. Currently I am not in a relationship and I never have been but I don't know if I want to be in one. Maybe it's because I haven't been in one but the aspect of being in a relationship and telling people about it is scary. Also what if they break up with me? I'm scared of rejection so, yeah.

B- Book you're currently reading?
After, can't tell you who it's by because it's a collection of 19 short stories each by a different author.

C- Celebrity's closet that you'd raid?
Dodie. I love everything she wears.

D- Drink of choice?

E- Elevators or escalators?
Escalators definitely. They're so fun, whenever I go to big stores with escalators I find every excuse I can to go on them over and over.

F- Favorite food?
Pizza and pasta, can't pick a favorite.

G- Go to the store or online shopping?
Go to the store because when finding clothing I usually have to try it on because my body is so small and my legs are so long that it's hard to find stuff that fits right.

H- Head or heart?
Heart, my emotions pretty much dictate my life but I also use my head quite a lot although my heart presides over my head. You need both though to balance themselves out.

I- Ice cream or popsicles?
That's a hard choice. I'll go with popsicles.

J- Jewelry of choice?
Necklaces. I almost always have one on. Nothing fancy though, just little pendants. The one I wear the majority of the time is simply a small skeleton key my dad gave me that I put on a chain.

K- Ketchup or mustard?
Ketchup, I don't like mustard that much.

L- Somebody that you love?
My friends, they're awesome people.

M- Most wanted item?
It used to be a nice quality concert ukulele but my parents got me one for my birthday. I was completely not expecting that and I'm so so happy and thankful. Now it's probably a camera so I can start practicing photography but that's really expensive and I won't be getting one any time soon.

N- Nicest thing someone has done for you?
Umm, the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me I'm keeping to myself because that's something that's very special to me and I don't want to put on here. 

O- Are you an open book?
In some ways. There are some things I love to talk about but I'm also a quiet, reserved person.

P- Proudest accomplishment?
I can't think of anything actually important like school related. My mind always goes to the time I watched all available episodes of Adventure Time, seasons 1-7, in about a week.

Q- What are you currently questioning?
Do I leave my AP biology class for an easier, not AP class so I don't fail? Why when someone texts me and I immediately respond do they not continue talking to me? Do my friends and other people actually like me or am I as annoying as I think I am? Will I ever date anyone or will I actually be alone forever? (You'll be alone forever) Why is it so hard to do any strumming pattern other than the one I always do?

R- Last book you read?
Need by Joelle Charbonneau. I read it in about twelve hours. I didn't put it down it was so good.

S- Sleep in or wake up early?
Sleep in, I stay up super late pretty much every night and sleep until noon whenever possible.

T- Texting or actual phone calls?
I prefer to text people but it would be nice to call people when I really want to talk so that they can't text me and suddenly stop responding. It's probably not because they don't want to talk to me but that's what my mind tells me it is.

U- Unhealthy habit?
I pick at the skin on my lips. It's not good for my lips. I recently learned that that habit relates to having anxiety which I happen to have.

V- Vests: thoughts?
I don't think I ever wore them. Maybe a few times when I was little and didn't choose my own clothes but I don't like them very much. If you can pull it off, great for you, but I can't and I'd rather not try.

W- Worst grade you've ever gotten?
I got a C in human geography last year. I believe that was my first ever C and honestly I don't care, that class was so hard for me.

X- Are you xenophobic?
Not at all.

Y- You or other people: who comes first?
I believe it depends on the situation.

Z- Zzzzz. What time do you usually fall asleep?
Around twelve o'clock. Sometimes I go to sleep around eleven, sometimes two in the morning. My actual bedtime on weekdays is 10-10:30 but I'm never asleep by then.

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