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  In telling conifers apart it is important to note how the leaves grow and what shape they are. Some of these distinctions take a great deal of practice to learn. Don't be discouraged; tree identification can be tough for sighted persons, too. If the leaves are flat and grow singly, then the tree is most likely a fir, hemlock, yew, or baldcypress. If they are rounded and grow singly, the tree is probably a spruce. Some spruce needles are very sharp and stiff, so be careful not to get stabbed.

If the needles grow in groups directly from the twig, the tree is a pine. Pines can be told apart by counting the number of needles.

Larches or tamaracks are more difficult. On young growth, the needles grow singly, but on older growth they grow in groups from woody pegs. Larches lose their leaves in the fall.

Scale-like leaves are found on junipers, what we call cedars, cypresses, and some other small groups. Practice is necessary for anyone who wants to learn trees. But you already know something that most people don't -- not all conifers are pines. I don't know how many times I've seen motels or other businesses called 'The Pines' when the place is surrounded by spruces or firs while there isn't a pine for miles. 

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