Conifers and Maidenhair

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    This graceful tree is the sole surviving species of a group of seed trees that existed over 200 million years ago and it is often thought of as a living fossil

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    This graceful tree is the sole surviving species of a group of seed trees that existed over 200 million years ago and it is often thought of as a living fossil. Its distinctive fan-shaped leaves, which turn bright yellow in the autumn, resemble those of the maidenhair fern, hence its popular name. Revered by Chinese an Japanese Buddhist monks and seen as symbol of longevity, hope and unity, the ginkgo was widely planted in Buddhist temple gardens where many magnificent, ancient specimens can be found to this day. Ginkgo nuts are a delicacy in china and japan and its excellent wood too.

Height-: Up 30m (100ft)

Type-; Deciduous

Bark-: Grey-brown

Flower-: Trees either male  or female. Male catkins yellow, 2-4cm in bunches. Female flowers green 4mm knob paired on 4cm stalks.

Fruit-: Greenish yellow plum like fruit with a fleshy coating and edible  kernel.

Fruit-: Greenish yellow plum like fruit with a fleshy coating and edible  kernel

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Common Larch (European Larch)

  Larches are deciduous conifers, shedding their needles in winter

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  Larches are deciduous conifers, shedding their needles in winter. Their soft, fine needles, grouped in fascicles on short shoots, distinguish them from other boreal conifers. All larch species have similar morphological features, especially for their vegetative traits. The surest way to recognise the different larches is by comparing the morphological features of the female cones and to some extent, by examining the bark colour of young branchlets (Ostenfeld and Larsen, 1930; Lepage and Basinger, 1991; Vidakovic, 1991).  

Height-: 40m (130ft)

Type-: Deciduous

Bark-: Grey and smooth when young, fissured when old

Leaf-: Flat, Soft needles, Growing in whorls on side shoots and singly on main shoots.

Flower-: Male: Yellow Female: Pink-red

Fruit-: Oval cones, brown with straight scales and visible bracts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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