Everything Stays, But It Still Changes

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After he grabbed my chin roughly, I knew he wasn't my Marshy. 

He always hugged me and calmed me and didn't let anything hurt me, and yet now he's just so . . . violent. 

"Hey? Barnaby? Gumballll!" Fiona yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Sorry, Fi, I'm just . . ." I trailed off, tears pricking at my eyes. 

Mr. CinnamonBun didn't care; he knew I got emotional easily. 

But this was different. Something's wrong with my king.

He was always really weird, but he was still my best friend. I know him; He wasn't like this.

I could see the dull ache of a broken heart in his eyes. 

"Something's wrong. Tell me what's wrong or I tell Cake." She demanded. 

I sighed, burying my head in my hands, silently crying. 

She raised her hand; Mr. C noticed my condition and nodded. 

She grabbed my hand, pulling me out into the hallway.

As soon as we got out of the door she pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back and calming me down. 

"Spill." She demanded, sitting me down like a small child. 

"I . . ." Why was it so hard? 

She looked at me sympathetically and handed me her phone so I could type it out. 

I spilled my guts; My broken promise, Marshall. I even came out; I was a flaming homosexual and proud. 

She dried my tears and hugged me again. "It's alright." She whispered. "We knew anyways, we didn't bring it up because we thought you knew." She giggled. 

As the rest of the day went by, I realized I had him in every class. He wasn't kidding when he said that all he cared about was his guitar, music, and sketchbook though. He tried to punch a kid when they accidentally picked up his base thinking it was one of the school's new ones they bought. 

After school he practically sprinted to his black truck, hopping in before I could catch up.

I needed to know what was wrong with him.

I sighed, going over to Flame's car. 

We carpool everywhere we go, just to save on gas. It's not like we live far; we just pull random names out of a hat every week and those people on those days give all of us rides. We all have big enough cars to do it, so why not? 

I sat in the back seat next to Fiona as the car started, me laying down on her lap and crying. 

The car suddenly jerked to a stop as Flame pulled over. 

"Gumball, what's wrong?" He asked. 

I didn't want to talk about it now. Oh, glob, I didn't. 


"M-mm, boy, don't you dare say nothing or so help me." Cake threatened.  

"Guys, he just doesn't want to talk about it right now." Fiona said, the concern in her voice clearer than day. 

"Look, Fi, he may get emotional, but he's never done this before. So I suggest you spill the beans or we'll spill them for you." She said seriously.

Fiona sighed and looked at me for permission. I nodded. 

"You know that new kid, Marshall?" She asked. 

"The hot kid with no school supplies that annoys the teachers? Yeah." Flame answered, looking back at us with empathy in his eyes. 

Fiona playfully glared at him with a clear message; "Now's not the time."

"Gummy use to know him. Hey, do you mind if I show them the note you wrote on my phone? I kept it in case you broke down again." She admitted. 

I nodded again.

"Did you really have to come out right now? Why couldn't you wait till Christmas?" Cake asked, groaning and handing Flame twenty bucks. 

Wow, thanks, guys. 

"Cake! This is serious!" Fiona exclaimed with a tiny giggle. 

"I know that! I just lost twenty bucks!" Cake retaliated. 

"Seriously, Cake?" Flame sighed before continuing. "Bubba, you need to move on. It's been four years; You can't make that up." 

"Flame!" Fiona yelled, irritated for real this time. "He thought he was never going to see the love of his life ever again and when he finally does he comes back broken and defeated, wanting nothing to do with him! How would you feel if it was me?" She huffed.

"Well, when you put it that way . . ." 

"Uh, guys?" Mono typed out in morse code. "I need to get home."

Mono was an exchange student from Korea. He can understand English but he can't speak it, and I'm the only one who knows morse code. Great. 

"H-he ne-needs t-t-to ge-get ho-home." I stuttered out. 

Flame sighed and drove along the road. The ride was silent.

He finally parked at his house and we all got out, saying our good-byes and going home.

My parents died almost right after Marsh's mom did. Pep's all I had for awhile, until my friends finally got me to open up about what was eating at me. 

She gasped and sat me down when she saw me. It was the first time in three years I came home with tear tracks down my face. 

The rest of the night we stayed up talking about what was going down and why I cared so much. 

After that I took a shower and went to bed. I did my homework during study hall, anyways. 

I turned on some music. Migraine by Twenty One Pilots was the first song. "Thank god it's Friday cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays, cause Sundays are my suicide days."

I swear to you, Marshall Lee, my vampire king, I'll fix you if it's the last thing I do. 



Hey guys. Whoever's reading this anyways lol. What up? You all okay? You need drinks? Please, take care of yourselves. Marshall and Gumball want you to, so you need to. 

Anyways, I might not be able to update every day like I have been. I have school and stuff and it's the weekend atm, I will update tomorrow, but I have no clue about the rest of the week. Anyways, bye!  

Drake out.

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