Underneath the Stairs

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"If Singe's trapped, then who trapped her and how did she get there!?" All of these questions and more tumbled in his mind as he went to go see if the power still worked. Jack sprinted down his staircase where the power souce was to flick it back on.
When Jack got there, however, no matter how many times he tried, and he knew how to turn a power box back on, it would not work!! He slammed it a couple of times too (because it was pretty old), it still didnt work.
Jack was start to sweat now! And he isn't a sweater at all! Only on rare occasions like this. And not even these types of scenarios where the impossible may happen!


He heard his name once more, but coming from a little crawl space to his right.
"What in the Hell is goin on here!? We never use that dinky little thing!" Jack thought to himself out loud. "Unless if it's locked, then she should be able to get herself out easily!" He thought once more.

All of a sudden, his flashlight went off all at once! Jack looked down at his light source with annoyance. He just put in new batteries!! He then looked to where the noise had all of a sudden stopped. He felt something bumped his leg.

It was one of Jack's mini plushies of Sam that bumped him.
"How did u get down here little guy!?"
Jack ended up taking him to see into the door.

Jack slowly made his way towards the door. He hesitated before opening the door. "You ready for this buddy boy?" Jack said to Sam. He manipulated Sam's little body to say yes.

With that, Jack opened up the door and crawled inside it.

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