Chapter 12 A return

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Jackie's pov.
My eyes opened. I felt disoriented and dizzy. Everything was blurry and my head hurt like crazy. I closed me eyes again, but I started to hear a voice grow louder and louder. Until I could clearly hear it. "Jackie!? Jackie can you hear me?!" My eyes sprung open again one I recognized who tho voice belonged to. Steven had I made it to Wisconsin? What had even happened? I looked around the white room until Steven came Ito vision. I reached out for him. And I felt someone grab my hand. He was really there. I smiled and closed my eyes again. "Jackie, don't go back to sleep, please don't go back to sleep" said Steven. "I'm up" I said slowly sitting up. And I felt him help me up. And when everything stopped being so blurry, I remembered. I remembered the crash in the taxi, I remember another car throwing the taxi I was in to its side. And I remembered the blood. I didn't make it to Wisconsin, but Steven was here. "Steven!" I yelled. "Thank god your awake" he said. And I leaned in to hug him. "Where am I?" I asked. "Hospital" he responded. "How are you here? What happened?" I asked. "You where in an accident, you went into a coma, your parents found you, and I decided to come" he explained. I smiled. "You came to England for me?" I asked. "I didn't want you to be alone when you woke up" he said.  I smiled. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "A couple days." He said. "They were starting to think you wouldn't wake up.... the doctors. But I told them you you would. Your stronger then you look" he muttered. "Of course I am" I smiled. "Thank god your okay" he said again. I looked up. "Thank you for coming" I said And I leaned in and kissed him. "Jackie you should take it easy, you hit your head pretty hard and you have a concussion" he said. "Well that explains the headache" I said rubbing my head. "il get a nurse" he said. Then ran out to find one. I looked around the hospital, and my eyes locked on a bouquet of roses sitting on a table. I picked them up. I smiled, Steven had gotten me flowers. He really was shaping up to be the best boyfriend ever. Steven came back in a moment later with a nurse. "Your up" she smiled and walked over to me, and took my temperature. "Your looking much better" she smiled. "Can I go home soon?" I asked. "Yeah, you should be good to go today, I'll notify your parents" she said walking out. Steven came and sat on my bed. "I still can't believe your here" I said. "Jackie, I can't believe you tried to run back to America" he said. "I know, I'm sorry I just wanted to see you" I said. "Would have been easier if I knew all that it took to get you down here was hit my head" I joked. And Steven smiled. "But Jackie you got lucky, what if you had gotten hit harder? Or what if something worse happened to you then a car crash." He said. "Look Steven, I know it was stupid ok? I wasn't thinking, but I won't lie, it felt good to be able to do something, to feel like I was actually free from my parents" I said. "I get it, and it was pretty badass anyways" Steven said. "How long can you stay?" I asked. "I don't know, I planned on staying till you woke up for sure, didn't plan on how long to stay after you woke" he shrugged. "Well I say you stay a couple more days, just in case I hit my head again" I said smiling. He smiled back. "I guess I could do that" he said . "But Jackie?" He asked. "Yeah?" I responded. "Don't hit your head again"

Hyde's pov
After Jackie's parents got to the hospital, and filled out a couple forms, they were free to take Jackie home. The four of us rode back to Jackie's new house together. And when we walked back, I followed Jackie up to her room. "I'm gonna call the foremans, tell them your all right" I said grabbing Jackie's phone and dialling their number. "Hi, it's Hyde" I said when Donna answered the phone." "Hyde! How are you? How's Jackie? What's going on over there" she asked. "Jackie's up, and she's back at her house." I said. "Do you want to talk to her?" I asked. "Yeah, put her on!" She said, and I handed the phone to Jackie, who was sitting on her bead. "Hello?" She asked. "Yeah it's Jackie!" "Wait I'll put you on speaker she said" Jackie put Donna on speaker, and gestured that I sit do beside her so we could all talk. "Hey Jackie!" I heard Michael's voice, "how's your head?" Eric asked. "Did they give you candy?" Fez asked. "My heads fine, and no I got no candy"she said. "Well how's England?" Donna asked. "Umm, from what I could tell, it's really beautiful, but that's a waste because I hate it here" she said. "Hate it here? Why. It's the kind of place you'd love" I said. "Yeah but Steven I can't enjoy it, none of my friends are here, and your leaving soon too! I'll be all alone, and I can't enjoy London alone, it's so romantic" said Jackie. I sighed. "Guys mind if we talk more later?" I asked. "Yeah sure, talk to you two later" said Eric before hanging up. "What was that all about?" Jackie asked. "You deserve to enjoy London, I'm taking you out" I said. "Really?" Jackie said. And her lips turned upwards into a big smile. I loved that smile. Especially when I could cause it. "Yeah, I'll take you all around London, we can go wherever you want" I said. "Your the best" she said cheerfully. "I have to get dressed"

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