Chapter 1: Left Behind

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     Caroline walked down the road of the abandoned town. Most of the houses were now overgrown or burned down. She continued to walk as the others followed behind her. Malcolm walked as he looked down at the ground beneath him. It had only been 3 weeks since Casper's death, but he still couldn't stop thinking about it. Greyson walked up next to Caroline as they walked. They had grown relatively close since they left Jax, and Greyson had helped her through it most of the time. Jordan was farthest behind. He still felt the guilt of what happened- he couldn't run from it. 

"We should set up camp for the night. We have been walking for hours." Greyson said to Caroline.

She turned and looked at him and nodded as they entered one of the houses and secured it, closing all entrances. They all sat down on the floor as they ate some of the little food they had left. 

"Caroline. We have to talk about something." Malcolm said to her.

She looked up from her food. "What." She said.

"Where are we going? What is our goal in life now?" He asked.

She glared at him, thinking he might be giving up.

"Zekera and the others are dead. The war is over, we can confirm that now, but what's next?" He asked. "I mean- Casper is dead, Jax is gone-" He said as Caroline cut him off.

"Jax is gone because you three voted for that." She said looking at Greyson, Jordan, and Malcolm.

"We voted on that because he is dangerous." Jordan said.

She glared at him now. "Dangerous? Maybe being dangerous in a world like this is a good thing. Ever think of that?" Caroline said. "I mean- for Christ sake, he ended the war. The war we were in for months with Jeffery. Jax did that. Not us." 

"No. That's where you're wrong." Malcolm said. "Jax went crazy, Caroline. And if you can't see that, you're just as crazy as him." He said.

"Jax didn't go crazy." She said. "He did what had to be done. We all should know that." 

"Caroline..." Greyson said. "They're right." 

She stood up suddenly, dropping her food and stepping out of the room. She leaned up against the wall and put her head up at the ceiling. She put her hands over her face as she softly started sobbing. The others began talking in the other room, but she couldn't listen over her crying. She slide down the wall and sat on the ground, soon crying herself to sleep. The sun shined in through the windows as she opened her eyes. Tear trails stained her face, as she sat up. She stood up and walked back into the other room, seeing if the others were up. But they were gone. She walked into the room at a small piece of paper on the table. She read it, as a tear fell down her face. They had left her- left her all alone.  She now knew how Jax must've felt the moment they all walked away from him. She sighed and wiped her face. She couldn't cry anymore- she couldn't. She gathered up her stuff and walked out of the house, seeing no one and nothing in sight. Just the sun beating down on her as she breathed in the new spring air. She stepped down out the house, walking down the street again. She decided not to go looking for them, there was no point. They left for a reason, they left without her for a reason. Even Greyson- they just...left. She walked down the street of the abandoned town, regretting what she did to Jax, and she would give anything and do anything to see him again.


Jax walked through the woods. His hands were empty, as the baseball bat Insanity was strapped to his waist in his belt. He had a pistol in a holster around his leg and a knife in his pocket. He continued to walk- he had been for weeks ever since they left him behind, but he knew he was getting close. He stepped out of the woods onto the empty road, seeing a small town up head. Most of the houses were burned and over grown, so he continued to walk towards it. He entered the town and looked at the houses, seeing that one had been boarded up. He walked into it, entering a small room. He saw a small piece of paper on a table, and as he read it, he knew what is was.

"Sorry we disagree. Good luck on your own.

Jax's eyes widened. The name Greyson rang throughout his head. They were here. He was so close. He stepped out of the house, turning and walking down the empty road again.

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