Chapter 1: The Journey

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Chapter 1: The Journey

                I stared out at the ocean. In the darkness, I could see the full moon reflected against the rippling water, dancing and swirling. The moon had always fascinated me, and my gaze lingered on the glowing ball of light suspended in the sky.

                Closer to shore I could hear the small waves crashing softly against the white sand, a constant sound that never seemed to leave my ears. It comforted me like no other sounds, and I could feel myself relaxing with its soothing sound.

                The water edged closer to my wiggling toes, the foam making a fizzing noise as it was absorbed into the sand. The water receded just before it reached my feet. I could smell the salty water, calling me, pulling me closer. I fought the urge, for the moment.

                I dug my feet deeper into the soft sand, enjoying its coolness on my skin. I bent down to pick up a handful of it. I slowly let the grains of sand fall between my fingers, until my hand was empty.

                The evening felt so peaceful. A cool breeze tickled the back of my neck, reminding me that summer was drawing to a close. Along the shoreline I could see the twinkling lights of the city, the city that I would soon be leaving behind. Forever.

                I took a deep breath of the cool, late-summer air, and took a small step towards the oceans dark waters, relenting to its pull on my body. I concentrated on that feeling, the sensation that I was no longer in control of my body, at the ocean’s mercy.

                At some point, I realized that I had drifted into knee-deep water, and sighed. I would never be able to escape the water’s grasp for long. I took on last breath of the fresh salty air, then lowered my body deeper into the water.

                I could immediately feel the changes my body was undergoing. My toes started to go numb, despite the water’s warm temperature. The numbness slowly spread to my whole lower body, and I couldn’t keep my head above water any longer.

                As my eyes adjusted to seeing underwater, I could see my legs melting together, pale orange scales forming along my feet, spreading to my legs. I watched in fascination. No matter how many times I undergo this change, I am still in awe.

                I could feel my thin t-shirt and shorts peeling away, as if my skin was repelling it, and I felt exposed in the open water. The water felt colder against my bare skin and I let out a small shiver, hugging my chest to keep warm

                As my legs made the last few changes, the fins started to form at the end of my feet, fragile at first, like thin paper. Finally, I could feel my fins strengthening, and I tested it with a few powerful swishes that pushed me farther from the twinkling lights on the shore.

                A new confidence coursed through my body, filling me with strength. I no longer felt exposed, but a powerful creature of the sea. With one last glance at the city, I set course for my new home.


                It had been hours since I had left the shore of Ocean City, New Jersey, but it felt like weeks. While traveling the sea, you get an overwhelming sense of being alone, isolated from everything. It was almost unbearable, and I just wanted to scream.

                In addition, I was beginning to feel my strength ebb away, and exhaustion was beginning to creep into my body. I had to concentrate hard to make sure I was still going in the right direction. I sighed, and a small stream of bubbles escaped my mouth.

                Suddenly, I had the sensation of sound waves bouncing off of my body. Frightened, I quickly turned toward the direction where a felt the waves coming from. A sleek shape moved towards me and I froze, fear coursing through my body.

                I heard a soft chirping noise. Confused, I took a closer look at the creature. After some more squeaking sounds, I realized that it was just a dolphin. I breathed a huge underwater sigh of relief. I quickly communicated with him, and he agreed to take me the rest of the way to my destination.

                I couldn’t have been more grateful. I was exhausted, and was in need of a rest. I guess I had greatly over estimated the distance, and effort it would take me to reach my new home. I settled down on the dolphins back, closed my eyes, and quickly dozed off.

                I awoke to an impatient prodding. I looked around; it was still dark. The dolphin had realized that I woke up, and nudged me towards shore. I realized that I had arrived at my destination. I thanked the dolphin, and he jumped into the air before darting off.

                I cautiously swam to shore. It was still dark enough that I knew no humans would be awake yet. As I edged closer to shallow water, I could still feel the exhaustion in my muscles from the earlier part of my journey. When I finally reached the edge of the water I was hesitant. Was I sure that no one was up at this hour?

                Shaking off those thoughts, I pulled myself onto the dry sand, waiting for my glorious tail to transform back into legs. The numbness returned, and my tail began to slowly separate, starting at the tip. Scales faded, and fins disappeared. I wiggled my toes, enjoying the feeling.

                I laid there, sand sticking to my bare dripping skin, enjoying the sensation of the cool wind on my wet body. I took several deep breathes, calming myself after my long journey. Soon, I was fully in my human form. Knowing that the sun would be rising soon, I forced myself to get off of the ground. I had to get some clothes, and soon.

                I set off towards a path that led through the woods, thankful for the coverage that the thick vegatation would provide me with. As I slowly walked along the broken wooden path through the woods, I was overcome with a feeling of uncertainty. Did I really have to leave each city so often? Wasn't it possible for me to settle down eventually, to make a life for myself? I was tired of always running, always hiding. There was never a moment when I didn't feel on edge from fear of discovery.

                I shook my head, clearing the thoughts of normalness out of my head. That would never be me. I would never be able to have a permenant home, never be able to have someone to love and care for, never have friends that I could tell my deepest secrets to. It felt like a rock had settled at the pit of my stomache, one that would never leave.

                I was dragged from my self-pity by the feeling of leaves brushing my bare skin, and I realized that I had reached the end of the path. A children's playground was spread before me, still except for a single swing swaying in the breeze. I quickly raked my gaze over it, trying to find the parking lot in the dark.

                As I thought, there was a clothes donation collection bin in the parking lot, and after rummaging around for a suitable outfit, I managed to find some old Duke sweatpants and a large grey t-shirt. This would do for now. I looked around at my surroundings. The playground was chock-full of any sort of playset imaginable.

                I remembered in my early years I would always come to playgrounds when I was bored, when the loneliness got too much for me. I tore my eyes away from the colorful plastic slides and swings, and started on my way.

                As I walked through the entrance, an old, weather-worn wooden sign proudly proclaimed “Welcome to Virginia Beach’s Playground of Fun.”

                I had arrived at my new destination. Home. For now.


(A/N): Okay, thanks so much for reading this story. It's my first fantasy piece, so please let me know how I did! I appritiate any comments, likes, whatever. Let me know what you think! :D

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