A Necessary Change in Plans

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Ok, whatever asshole was in charge of life clearly didn't think this through. Having the Kerberos Mission fail because of 'Pilot Error' was the least thought through thing in the history of things. (Lance was probably exaggerating there. Invading Russia in the middle of winter had to take the cake, Napoleon) But still, Takashi Shirogane was one of the best pilots Lance had ever seen. There was no way he had crashed. Paired with the fact that Blue was a little unsettled, Lance decided to bring in a favor. Riffling through his bag, Lance brought out a tiny, intricately carved crystal and pushed some energy into it. The crystal light up and projected an image.

"What's that blasted ringing?" A tiny, wrinkled woman appeared in the light. Her large earrings jangled as she turned her head. "Oh, hey! Lance! It's been so long since I've seen you! How's coven life treating you?"

"Anveeksha." Lance nodded. "I need to cash in a favor."

Her eyebrows rose up, showing off heavily lined, milky-white eyes and she gave a gap-toothed grin. "Well, glad I got up today! What would one such as you need from my humble abilities?"

"Don't. I am not of the fair folk any longer, do not treat me as such. And I need information." Honestly, Anveeksha always grated on his nerves.

She cackled as if in response to Lance's thoughts. "Of course, of course! What else? But what information, little gem?"

Lance gave a mental sigh. "Where is Takashi Shirogane?"

Anveeksha's eyes gained a green glow. When she spoke it was in the rasping voice of many people. " T̀a̧k̨a҉s͝h̢i̧ ̴S͢hi̴rogane i҉s͘ ͘sh͘i͟elde̸d͜ f̴r͝om̡ ̵ųs͠. ̷We k͞now ̵not͢ whe͘r̸e̛ h̕e̕ ͞i̷s͠ ." Lance prepared to hang up the call.

" Bu̧t̷ ." Lance's head shot up. " We ͡k͘nòw̸ ̴of̴ w͡h̵o k̴ee̡p̕s̴ ͘h̕im̨ fro͏m our s̀ig̸ht̢. ͠Her m̴agiç ̧is̨ powe̵rfu̷l͜ ̶a̵nd̨ de̸ep̵ ̴bu̶t is ̡w̸roņg͝. ͠I͘ţ oo͠źes͠ ͟a̸n͏d ȩnsn͠are̛s͝ ̕what̛ ́she̢ wi͟s͡heş.͘ ̡H͏e̢r ̷magic͞ i̡s ͘  c͝o͞r͡ŗupt҉.   An͘d̴ ̢y̛o̸u ķn͝o͏w̶ ͞who͟ s҉he̴ i͏s."

"ᏇᏋᏝᏝ ᏕᏂᎥᏖ. I pray it is not who I believe." Lance traced the carvings on the crystal mindlessly.

"A͠nd͡ s͡omȩ a̸dvic͠e͠, ͞l̡i͡tţļe͠ ̨g̕e̢m. ̶Y͟o̡u ̴see̕k ҉o̷ne o̡f ̛gree̢n. ̷L̛is̷t̴e҉n̡ ̨h͠e̕r͢e, f͝o͜r̀ yo҉u ͠w͠įl̢l͢ nơt̸ f̕i̢n͞d̢ them̵ ҉on you͡r c҉urre͠n͢t̢ ̷path. ̛Lȩa̷r̢n͘ ͝t͠o͜ ̢fl͞y͞ ̢a̷n̛d a̧l̢l ͟ẁil̸l͜ f̢a͟ll͘ i̵nto͘ ͜pl͏ac̛e̕.̢" The glow in Anveeksha's eyes faded and her voice returned to normal. "I hope that helped, little gem."

"It did, Anveeksha, it really did. I appreciate it." Lance went to hang up.

"Lance." He looked at the old woman. "Be careful."

The image cut out, leaving Lance alone in the dark.

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