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Tears almost fell off my eyes as I heard what Stiles said and I thought to myself how is this even possible?!

I guess Stiles knew what I was thinking about so he started to explain.

"I went to Deaton to figure out what was going on with me lately. He told me I was pregnant.Am pregnant.If a male supernatural creature has sex with another male he can get himself or the other male pregnant.And we had sex.without protection.And now I'm pregnant."

"You had sex with Derek?.."Scott asked Stiles.

"Yeah, but it was just a one night stand. Derek is straight." Stiles said and Isaac helped him sit on the couch and sat next to him.

"Are you gonna keep it?.."I asked, hoping to hear a yes.

"Honestly, Derek? I don't know...on the one hand, I'm just a teenager and I have no clue about kids.On the other hand I just can't kill or give up my own kid."

"Well I really hope you're gonna keep it"

"Derek it's not that simple..we're not even together and I want this kid to have a normal life.normal parents."

"But Stiles I love this baby. And you love him too, right?And that's all that matter.And I'm gonna be here for you two, always.I'm just saying, Stiles I will never give up on this kid"

"Give up on who?" Suddenly Peter came from nowhere.But then, surprisingly Stiles answered him.
"Derek got me pregnant."

"What the fuck?! how?!"Peter said.

"Don't act like you don't know, Peter."Stiles answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Peter?don't you want to tell Derek what I'm talking about?"Stiles teased.

"How the hell do you know  about it?!" Peter growled, and almost hit Stiles but I stopped him.

"Know what?!Peter, what does Stiles know?!"I demanded him to talk.

"Fine. Derek, remember the memory you lost?the one your mother took from you?"

"Yeah, what was it?"

"I...I was pregnant."

"What?!" Scott and I said together, but Isaac and Stiles seemed to already know it.

"You were little, Derek, I had a boyfriend back then.I remember that he left me as soon as he found out.I don't really remember the whole pregnancy experience, but I do remember the pain."

"Pain?.." Stiles asked and he looked so scared.

"Yes, well because I'm a man, the pregnancy is twice as hard and difficult and the birth is like a horror movie.."

Scott hugged Stiles protectively and looked at me with a 'you did this to him you son of a bitch' look and I felt terrible.

"Well, if you were pregnant, where is the child?" Isaac asked.

"He..didn't survive the birth."

"W..what?.." Stiles whispered almost crying.

"So that's why mom took our memories.." I suddenly realized.

"Stiles juat say a word and I will kill Derek.right here, right now." Scott said and stood up.

"I'm with Scott on it." Isaac said and stood up next to him.

"No!no one is killing anyone!Derek is also the father okay? his baby needs him and I'm gonna need him, now that I know I'm going threw hell.Besides, it's my fault too. He didn't rape me and it takes two to have sex." Stiles said, making me melt, but then I saw the look on Isaac and Scott's faces.

"Scott, Isaac, stop thinking about me and Stiles having sex!"

"What? you can't blame us, look at you too!"

After everyone left Peter and I sat to talk about everything.

" were pregnant." I said.

"Yep."he answered.

"Your boyfriend was a dick for leaving you.Did you give birth alone?"I asked.

"Yes I...I was home alone.there was a horrible storm outside.I couldn't go to a hospital because..well.. I was a pregnant man.."

"It must have been horrible.." I said.

"It was.Derek, I need you to promise me you will not abandon Stiles. You will stay by his side and support him with everything, because he is gonna go threw a hard time."

"I promise, Peter."

"What's going on between you two, anyway?" he asked.

"Nothing, we just had sex."

"What about Jade?"

"Who?oh Jade..well we started dating two weeks ago and Stiles and I had sex about a month ago."

"Are you gonna tell Jade about Stiles and the baby?"

"I don't know, I don't even know where this relationship is going"

"Okay..and what about Stiles? Do you feel anything towadds him?"

"Of course not! I don't like guys!"

"Derek you had sex with a guy. and it's not the first time. I'm just saying, I don't think there's still straight people around here.."

Sooo that is it for chapter five.
What do you think about it?
let me know in the comments!
love you!

I don't know what I'm doing - Sterek mpregWhere stories live. Discover now