Chapter 4

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When i walked into Pizza Hut, i swear the first thing that I was were his sea green eyes. I could recognize them anywhere now because my night yesterday was listening to every One Direction song there was and reading all the articles I could find on Louis Tomlinson. Even though I hate to admit it. i am officially a fan of One Direction. I sat down with Louis, who smiled as soon as he saw me. 

"Hey love" He said. 

"Helloo!"  oh my god. I am soo nervous! What if he doesn't like me? What am I talking about? No one likes me! Not even Travis.  

Turns out, we talked for a while. a long while. I skip the rest if school just to talk to him. Never have i ever been like this with anyone before. It was just so natural. There was no awkward pauses in between sentinces or anything! We talked about what ever we could think of and somehow he would find a way to make it funny or interesting. I didn't even know that i could say that many words at a time! I know its stupid but even though we just properly met today, when I'm with him, everything is good. We left when Pizza Hut closed. 

"We should do this again sometime!" I was the one to say it this time. 

"Tomorrow, same time same place?" he said it with a wink and a grin. 

"sure thing!"  That night was the first night in a long time that i fell asleep with a smile. 


*next day* 

This time I was the first to get to Pizza Hut. I sit down at a table and wait for Louis. I skipped school completely today. Travis and I are in kinda a fight and I'm afraid that somehow someone found out about my meeting with Louis. I don't notice when he walks in because I am deep in daydreams. He hugs be from behind and gives me a peck on the cheek. 

"Ello love! I got a surprise for you today!' 

I wonder what it is? I'm about to pull out a chair for him to sit down but instead he takes my hand and pulls me up. 

"Come on, follow me."  He leads me out of Pizza Hut into the sidewalk where he takes out a blindfold. 

"Whats this all about?" 

"Don't worry love. Don't you trust me?" 

I let him put the blindfold on as he takes my hand and guides me to our destination. about 5 minutes later we arrive. He takes off the blindfold. 

"Why are we here?" I ask. What i see is like any other street in the city. I drive by here every day. 

"We are going to have a walk. If you see any stores you like just tell me and we will go in there" 

"Louis, i don't have any money"

"money? Don't worry about that! Its on me!" 

Why is he being so nice to me? I'm not used to it at all. I'm used to people ignoring me all the time. 

I accept and we start walking around. I really didn't want him to spend any money on me though, so i just didn't say that I saw anything that I liked. Then we walked by a jewelry store and Louis insisted we go inside. As soon as we walked in i saw it. A necklace so beautiful that any girl would just die to have it. 

"See anything you like love?" 

I say no because the necklace is way to expensive for me. We keep on walking hand in hand for the rest of the day. 

Louis walks me to my house that night. When we get to the front door he takes a small box out of his pocket.  He opens the box up to the same necklace I saw in the store. 

"Louis...I .... I don't know what to say! This is beautiful! And so expensive!"

"Its no problem love, really. I would spend any amount of money on you" 

All i can do is look into those beautiful eyes of his. We must be just staring at each other for at lease a minute before he leans in and kisses me. When we finally pull away he just says 

"Goodnight Emialy. I had a wonderful time with you tonight" And walks away.

The Boy with the Sea Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now