Chapter 10

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-One Week Later-

We are public now. Everything is perfect. Louis is all I need in life. The funny thing is my mom and sister don’t even know yet. They just don’t care but that doesn’t matter to me. Everything is perfect just the way it is. I will admit, there has been some hate. Not as much on the internet but at school everyone hates me even more than they already did. I didn’t even know it was humanly possible to hate anyone that much. I haven’t even said one word to Travis and I don’t intend on doing so anytime soon. What he did to me is unforgivable. I will never forgive him for almost breaking Louis and I up. I know he didn’t do it on purpose but he never had one spec of romantic interest in me until I told him about Louis. Now I sit in the back of all my classrooms and eat lunch in the bathrooms. Its so cliché I know, but its reality. Surprisingly, all of the teachers know too. They know that I am bullied, and that I don’t have any friends and that I eat lunch in the bathroom.  They also know that I don’t give a shit about what other people think of me anymore so they don’t do anything about it. Its true though, I really don’t care that I am now called a slut, whore, fag, and just about every other name you can be called. My life is a living hell at the moment, but at the end of the day everything is perfect because I have Louis. 

-Next day at school-

Demi Seth, the prettiest, smartest, bitchiest, and most popular girl in school, walks up to me. Is this some kind of a joke or something? She puts her arm around me like we are best friends. 

“Hey Emaily whats up?” She smiles at me. Not a bitchy mean girl smile, but an actual “im being friendly to you” smile. I just stare at her in response.

“So anyways I have been thinking recently, why did we ever stop being friends? I mean I don’t know it just hit me, I miss you Emialy!”   Oh ya, I forgot that we used to be best friends in middle school. 

“Im having a party tonight at my place and I would love it if you came so we could catch up! What do you say? Will you come?”

“uhh ya sure. Why not? A party sounds fun I guess”   I don’t know if this is some kind of prank or something yet but im just going to go along with it for now. I don’t actually plan on going to the party, ill just say I wasn’t feeling well or something.

“Oh and I almost forgot, it’s a partner party so try and bring a date okaykay?”

“ya sure thing” 

After that she smiles at me again and gives me a hug then skips off to join her mob of friends. At lunch she invites me to sit at “her” table with her friends. I take the offer to be nice, even though I would much rather be in the bathroom like usual. They don’t even mention Louis like I thought they would. They just talk about what they are going to wear to the party. 

Demi’s party outfit: 

Then she asked me what I was wearing for it.

“umm I don’t know ill probably just go out and buy a dress with Louis after school or something.” woops. I said his name by accident. They all glance at each other and smile, then look back at me. 

“ohh Louis! I almost forgot that you guys were dating! How exiting! Whats it like to be dating a celebrity?”

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