Part One - Never stop and never let you go

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Please enjoy reading~ (*^ω^*)

Glorious Paradise high school, inside the class... There have two cute Chibi boy talking which is they're quickly famous as combi Chibi boy at their school.

"Kyaa~ kyaa~ Nakajima sannn~~ kyaa~ Okamoto sannn~ kakoii~ " yell all the crazy fangirl & some fanboy of the two popular yet idol in their high school.

"Ara!? Seem like the two Mr. Popular had already coming.." Chinen said while looking at outside window with his annoying face (; ̄ェ ̄)

"Urusei naa~!! Everyday! Everytime! Always yelling like there was no tomorrow. Just because looking at them only. What the Fuck!!" Yamada said with felt irritated (♯`∧')

"Is they had nothing to do other than fan-ing over that two asshole, huh?" Continue Yamada (*`へ'*)

"Does that..?? you two dislike them?" Ask one tomboy inside their class which is their classmate and her name was Yuka.

"Haah?? What with that question?" Said Yamada & Chinen in same time shocked while felt weird ( ゚д゚)

"Nothing... I just want to remind you guys to not felt that toward them because you guys will get something inside your heart." Said Yuka while giving Chinen & Yamada some drink she brought. Which is the canned drinking water.

"Thank you," said chinen & yamada then they two start drinking the water.

"Btw, if you guys feel annoying toward them. Why you guys not throw the canned on them like THIS!!!" Yuka said and she throw the can toward the crowd of fangirl & fanboy which they all didn't notice it at all.

"What the-!?"
( ゚д゚) [Chinen's Reaction]
!(◎_◎;) [Yamada's Reaction]

"Just doing like what I do earlier and make sure the canned you guys throw get onto That's Mr. Popular you guys dislike hahaha" (^O^) said Yuka while chuckling happily.

Yamada & Chinen feel undecided want do it. Then, Yuka said again

"Don't tell me that you guys scared to do it? Ooh c'mon, I comfirm that they'll never notice it at all just like what I did." Confident.

"Who said I'm scared?? I'll will do it!" Yamada said quickly and chinen nodding his head sign he agree what had Yamada said.

Then, without felt undecided they throw the canned which still have water inside it. While still looking at the canned falling to make sure if the canned can get onto Nakajima and Okamoto.

Soshite... (Splash... Tin..ting..) and the canned got onto them perfectly which on their's hair and school uniform. Everyone at there was shocked in dead when that happen.

"Yuhuu..!!! Right hit the targets!!!"
\(^o^)/ yell Yuka happily.

And that really get everyone's attention with looking at her. Instead everyone didn't looking at Yamada and Chinen because they didn't shout. They just shut up their mouth and cover like they didn't do it.

But, Nakajima and Okamoto when looking at Yamada and Chinen straight into their eyes. They both jolt and didn't looking at them.

"What are you looking at, huh? Does you have any debt on me?" ( *`ω') Ryosuke ask them with cover hisself.

Yuto only smirk and mouthy "I already got you"

Yamada wide his eyes disbelief when he can understand what had Yuto said quickly hide also with Chinen too. Which make both Yuto and Keito know who's throw the canned on them.

"Hmp! That's Chibis seem like want to pick on us, huh?" Yuto said while smirk on his face. 😏

"Kind of... Damn! I really felt irritated with them right now." (♯`∧') Keito said.

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