II. The Hospital

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"Wake up Hannah!"

"Ugh you're so loud!!"

"I'm sorry, I was just making sure you weren't dead."

I open my eyes to see Matt standing above me laughing. I look around to get my bearings. I'm in the hospital. Still. My anxiety kicks in. "I'm still here?! I thought they said I would check out today!"

"Yeah silly, after you wake up" Matt swept his hair to the side and laughed at me. I got mad.

"Hey, well how was I supposed to know that!?!"

"I'm just teasing you, no need to get mad!"

"Ugh," I swing my legs over the side of the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?" The doctor walks in. "You're still not completely better, you might hurt you arm even more."

I glance down at my arm. Oh yeah, I broke it when I fell. "I feel fine." I lied, my arm hurts really bad.

"Mhm," the doctor says sarcastically. "You're staying until the end of the day, then you can leave, it was a pretty nasty break, so you won't heal too quickly you'll have to-"

I tuned her out, I missed a lot of information. The door closed softly after her as she left.

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