One: In which they meet

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HEY. YOU. YOU WITH THE FACE. YEAH, YOU. Now that I have your attention, you see that little symbol that says mature? I'll let you figure out what that means. If you come into my story whining about how sexual it is, I'm gonna smack you with a big fat "I told you so". No whiny pissbabies allowed.

Now that we've got that out of the way, enjoy my smut filled story. Please leave all holy water and rosaries at the door; Lust isn't the biggest fan of them.


 She was sixteen when the dreams began. They were slow to start, only happening once or twice a month. It was almost tender, loving, at the beginning. He'd give her gentle caresses and ease into every thrust. When she would wake, his touch would linger for the whole day.

She was seventeen when she was exploring her sexuality, just wondering if maybe she was attracted to women, too. 'He' turned into a 'she' and the dreams kicked up a notch. She began returning the favor, tangling her mouth with her dream lover's tongue and grabbing at hair, breasts, hips, anything she could. She'd wake up a sweating, panting mess.

Her dream lover took many forms and races, but never failed to leave her lying awake and frustrated in between damp sheets. In every form, he had the same wicked grin and talented fingers to tease her.

The dreams changed. Her lover enjoyed tying her up or bending her over any surface he could. Feeling his fingers grip her hair roughly as he took her from behind had her screaming in pleasure, to the point where her father had shaken her awake one night with a frantic expression on his face.

She never dated, never kissed anyone, never held hands or did anything remotely sexual. She told herself she was too busy, too young, too tired to be in any type of relationship, sexual or not, but it was because she was afraid no one could compare to her dreams.

She was eighteen when her dreams stopped. Then, he was right in front of her.


An obnoxious beeping sounded right by Aria's head. With a groan, she felt around on her bedside table without taking her head out of her pillows. She smacked the alarm clock once she found it, and sighed contentedly at the quiet. Aria yawned and sat up.

Morning sun filtered through her white curtains and splashed onto the printed bedsheets she was lying on. A thought hit her suddenly.

I haven't dreamed in weeks.

Sighing, she ran a hand over her curly hair to push it away from her face, then got up and went into her bathroom to get ready for the day.


"Hey! Aria, wait up!"

Aria turned around with a smile to wait for her best friend as he pushed through the crowded hallways. "Sup' loser?" she teased, bumping her shoulder with his.

The tall jock laughed. "Nothin' much," he said. An impish grin grew on his face. "Only the fact that Teresa Myer wants to meet me during third period in the empty janitorial closet by the theatre room."

"Noah, you are incorrigible," Aria said, shaking her head at him. "Really, that's like-" She paused and started ticking off her fingers, "-the eighth girl this month, and it's only the fourteenth."

He laughed and shoved her shoulder as they stepped into their first class. "I got mad game, 'Ri," he countered, striking a pose.

"Ms Payne, Mr Richards," Mr Davis drawled. The older man gave them an unimpressed look. "If you would please take your seats instead of standing in the doorway."

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