Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -

It had been 2 months since mum had died and we were now moving down to Mystic Falls, where dad got a job opportunity at the local hospital as a doctor. I knew he would be working all the time, but it was great because we would be closer to our family Elena, Jeremy and Aunt Jenna. The last time we had seen them was Mum’s funeral, but me and Elena talked all the time, she was the only one who I could talk to during the first month of mum’s death. We talked non-stop, she knew how it felt and it was good to have someone to really talk to. She got me to open up more and I was so glad we were moving closer to her, I was just really excited. Dad, Chris and I could have a fresh start, a new beginning and I couldn’t wait.

“Alexis, are you ready yet?!” Dad yelled at me from down stairs.

“Yeah just getting the rest of my stuff” I said bringing down a box and putting it in the moving truck.

“Are we going now?” I asked walking over to my dad.

“Yeah, go get Chris and we’ll go” he then said.

“K” I said and then forwarded towards the house.

I then went up to Chris’s room to get him and as I approached his room I found him standing by the door, looking into his room. Out of all us Chris took moving the hardest. All our memories were here and he didn’t want to leave that, but I just couldn’t wait to start fresh, having all the excitement of starting over that I didn’t realise what Chris was feeling. Chris had everything here. He was the most popular guy in school and all the girls wanted him. He was a strong medium built with emerald coloured eyes and brown hair. He was an awesome athlete and had stack of trophies from sporting events and along with that he was really smart, but didn’t like to show that side of him as much. But he wasn’t one of the cocky guys, he was sweet, nice and very protective of his family and especially me since mum died. I just felt shame wash all over me when I realised what he would be giving up to move and it didn’t even hit me until now.

“I’m sorry” I said hugging the back of him.

“What are you sorry for?” he asked turning to me.

“I didn’t realise what you were giving up to move and what you must be going through” I said hugging him.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about me” he then said.

“I know it’s just-“ he then cut me off and took me by the shoulders and looked down at me and said “Alexis, you don’t have to worry about me. So stop worrying and let’s just go”.

I then sighed and nodded and we headed back to dad. As we got outside dad was already in the car and Chris got in the front while I got into the back seat. After that we then drove off to Mystic Falls.

I started drifting off into sleep while we were driving and I started having dreams, dreams about Elena had told me. About how everything had changed in her life, but mostly about her boyfriend Stefan and what he and his brother are.

I was in the woods. Walking. As I was walking I heard faint foot steps behind me. I then turn around to see who’s there. I turn around and no-one was there, so I turn back around to where I was walking and then in front of me is a mystery guy. Wind starts blowing my hair into his direction and he just smirks. I then hear a scream, and I turn to see Elena running towards me, I then realised what she was screaming at. So I turn back towards this guy, and as I do this he lets out a chuckle and pounces on my neck in less than a second.

I then wake up huffing and puffing with sweat pouring down my forehead.

“Hey, are you okay?” Chris asked turning towards me.

I then took a deep breath and said “Yeah I’m fine just a bad dream, that’s all”.

“Well were nearly there honey, just another 15 minutes to we get to Jenna’s house” Dad then said looking at me in the mirror.

“Wait, 15 minutes?” I said confused. “How long was I asleep for?” I said looking at the time on my phone.

“I would say about 3-4 hours” Chris said looking out the window.

“That long? you gotta be kidding me” I said in shock.

We then pulled up out the front of Aunt Jenna’s house and headed inside. We knocked on the door and Jeremy answered it.

“Look who finally showed up” he said with a huge smile.

“Yeah, it’s great to see you too” I said with a sarcastic tone, but then gave him an enormous hug.

“Come on in, everyone’s in the lounge room” he then said as I walked in and he greeted dad and Chris.

As I walked into the lounge room, Elena sprang up off the couch and came over to me.

“Oh my god, you finally here” she said giving me a tight hug that I returned.

“I’ve missed you so much” she said still hugging me.

“I’ve missed you too” I then said was she let go.

“Hey Aunt Jenna” I said walking over to her giving her a hug.

“Hey Alexis, it’s great to see you” she said hugging me back.

“Same here” I said and then made my way back over to Elena.

Then after 2 hours or so we left and headed to our new home. It was just 20 minutes away from Elena house and dad said about 15 minutes away from our new school we would be attending soon. We then pulled up to our house and it was gorgeous. We then got out the car and dad stopped us from going inside.

“Wait, wait” he said making sure Chris and I stopped walking. We then stood there waiting to see what dad was stopping us for.

“I’ve got a surprise for you two. Come on follow me” I said and started walking towards the garage.

He then pressed the button to open the garage and their held two beautiful cars. One white convertible Porsche with a magnificent red interior design that made it look perfect, and the other was a striking black Lamborghini.

“The Lamborghini is for you Chris” dad said throwing the keys over to him.

“And this one is for you” he said handing me the keys while I was still stunned over it.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I said hugging dad while Chris was gawking over his new Lamborghini.

“Anything for my baby girl” Dad then said kissing the top of my head and then we turned to Chris who was still occupied with his car.

“Can I take it for a test drive” Chris said about to get into the car.

“It’s getting late, let’s just go settle in first, you have plenty of other days to drive it” dad said and then Chris let out a sigh.

We then went into the house and settled in. The house was even more gorgeous in the inside than the out. It had 5 rooms, 1 for each of us, a guest room and a study. Dad had gotten the master bedroom, while dad let I and Chris decide who got what. We fought over the next biggest but then I decided to go for the one bedroom which had a balcony and thought it was only fair to give him a bigger room.

After dinner I went to my room and unpacked the last 2 boxes that were left. I unpacked the box with all my scrapbooks, photo albums in it and came across pictures of Mum and me together laughing and smiling. I missed her so much. As I looked through them I started to cry. Tears were now spilling down my face and I after a while I fell asleep.

I Love You - A Damon Salvatore Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now