Chapter 57

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Elena's POV:

I walked into the Grill and noticed Damon sitting at the bar by himself. I then walked over to him and started speaking. "Were your intentions to drive Alexis out of town?" I asked sitting next to him. "Well, hello to you to Elena" he said drinking the last of his drink. "Were they, because if they were you did the exact thing" I said. "What are you talking about?" he asked facing me.

"Alexis and Jeremy went to visit Chris yesterday, straight after she came back from your house balling her eyes out. She not sure when she's coming, could be a couple of day, weeks or months. But the point is you and your friend Ashley have literally driven her out of town" I told him. "Look, I did nothing to Alexis" Damon said. "All she did is see Ashley with her bracelet on, that's what Ashley does. She messes around wit people, that's all" he then told me.

"Ashley has down more than mess around with Alexis, she's just a step under doing what Katherine did to her. She is messing around with her, she's practically torturing her" I then said standing up. "You know, I haven't met Ashley yet, but from the looks of it you would chose her over Alexis. But what is Ashley to you, a bed buddy or something more" I then said. "I only have eyes for one girl Elena and you know that" he said to me.

"You say that Damon, yet you don't show it" I said and then walked over to Matt and Bonnie. "What was that about?" Matt asked as I slid into the booth. "The usual, Damon being a dick and me telling him off" I said to them. "Where's Alexis and Jeremy?" Bonnie then asked. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, they went and visited Chris, Alexis needed some time away from all the drama" I said to them.

"Is she okay, like really okay Elena?" Matt asked me, "Yeah she is why Matt?" I then asked him. "Oh it's nothing, it's just that, that Ashley girl from school came and asked me questions about her yesterday and then said stuff that she heard about her" he told me. "Like what?" I asked suspicious. "Just that Alexis is still torn up about Damon and is even more of a wreck about how he moved on with her and now she cuts herself and gets wasted over it" he told me.

"Okay Matt, don't believe a single word she's say. Ever since she's came her, she's had it in for Alexis" I said to him. "Don't worry Alexis, I don't believe a word she said, but the word's getting around and most people aren't believing it, but there is a couple how are" he said to me. "And believe or not, but Caroline is also saying that it's true and that she saw Alexis do it" he then said to me.

"Well, we will have to do something about that then" I said standing up. "Stop the rumour, by starting another one" I said and then Bonnie got up with me and walked over to a whole bunch of people from school. I then looked back at Matt who was just sitting there confused and shocked at us.

"OMG, Bonnie did hear about Ashley and Caroline" I said loud enough for them to hear. "No, tell me" Bonnie said back. "Well you didn't hear this from me, but apparently Caroline fell pregnant a week before Ashley and they didn't want the baby so they both got rid of it together" I said to her, making sure everyone heard.

"Actually, I think I did hear about that. They also didn't know how the dad's were. Caroline was apparently drunk and did it in the woods with some random guy and Ashley's was completely sober. But she did it with at least three guys that day, so she didn't know" Bonnie said loud enough for more then the group of people from school to hear.

"Yeah, I know how sad's that though and they're parents didn't even know about" I then said and walked away with Bonnie. "What did you guys do?" Matt questioned as we sat back down. "Just told everyone that Ashley and Caroline fell pregnant" I said. "Then they got rid of the babies" Bonnie said. "They also didn't know who the fathers were" Bonnie then said "And that their parents had no idea about" I then finished saying.

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