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"Alright, alright. So, you're telling me you can tie a cherry stem around a girls tongue-"
"That's right- "

Called by the ever so confident, Grayson Robin. His brown hair ruffled messily, however, one hair dangling onto his forehead.

"I can prove it on Grace," yup.

And that's the douche I'd like to call Kevin Clark. Surprisingly, he's actually smarter than the comments he makes. Under that play boy-ness, there is actually a pretty smart man, but that side of him is constantly hard to find.

"Yeah, you know chicks can't manage this lifestyle. Long hours, late nights-"
"Or long hours partying leading into late nights, also, leading to fucking yourself over and procrastinating your work? Sounds familiar?"
"That mouth of yours will get you into big trouble missy."

The term 'Off' & 'On' reflects the relationship status of Mr. Clark. He is either in a relationship 'On' or not 'Off'. It's been an ongoing play of both for the past two years.

His dark brown eyes dart into my eyes, as if I've never seen that look before.

When I first came into the office as a twenty two year old, I must say Kevin, then twenty four years old, hasn't stopped trying to get in my pants.  Although, he was, and almost still, is tempting, I know he would be huge trouble.  Take that as you want it. 

"I'm still in the room," barged Grayson causing my attention to shift. 

Grayson and I are the same age, grew up in the same town and we only just met in high school. So you can imagine the awkwardness we went through together. Going through break ups, phases etc. 

"Can we go back to why this meeting was called in the first place?" He said slouching in the chair beside me.

"Well, this case that we have on our hands- it's fresh. New. Current-"

"Get On with it Kev!" I said getting slightly irritated, at the fact he was stalling trying to think of synonyms. 

"Fucking hell, alright. Well, basically the witness is presumed to be guilty and must've taken part in this homicide. Tell me if this makes sense, you are walking to your car and your car is parked on a side street. A young boy approaches you shouting 'you're too young!' So, what is your first instinct?"
"Probably cross the street-" Grayson said finding himself unlocking this case.
"Exactly, that is where the witness, Cheryl, attempted to 'help and take Ruby away' from that creepy man. So they walked to the park, and when the witness asked Ruby if she needed a ride home, Ruby declined-"
"Oh my God. On surveillance, the man sat on a bench on that same street he encountered Ruby. It couldn't be him, he didn't make her unconscious. It was fucking Cheryl, that's why her belongings were found in a bush-And her gloves she used to touch the chloroform bottle, was found in the glove compartment," I marveled matching the scenes in place.

Kevin's form hand hit the wooden office table, causing the objects to jolt up.
"Hell yes Steele! However, Cheryl mentioned some other person. His nickname is Goose-"
"What a fucking brilliant name-"
"Grayson enough with the jokes bruv, this person could be able to answer our questions. But it ain't that easy. We have no idea, where he is," retorted Kevin making sure his sharp tone was noticed by Gray.

Back to the drawing board.

"But, boss man has been recruiting new detectives and we might need some help on this one," my jaw dropped at the fact that this is Kevin's way of electing a female detective, just for new eye candy. Which lead to him getting in her pants.
"Are you joking?! Kevin, this case started off with the three of us. What makes you think we can't handle it?" Grayson said audibly pissed.
"Look we don't have time for petty arguments, what is said, shouldn't be argued here. I didn't even know this was happening until Payne said it to me today. 'Spread the message' my arse."

Payne. A damn payne in my ass. Literally, the "boss man" does whatever he wants, not taking anything or anyone in consideration. His number one phrase is, "never mix business and pleasure, worst cocktail ever."

"Okay so when are we meeting this new person?" Grayson said getting up, slowly about to dismiss himself.
"Tomorrow morning, and guess what Grayson you are going to share an office with this newbie."

Shared offices could go good or bad. Good if you actually make a pleasant team. But it could all go to shit when you have constant disagreements.
"Whatever, but I'm praying that it's a nice lady. Maybe we could make the forbidden cocktail together," he said smirking and chuckling at his own joke.
"Well, I can help you move your stuff Gray," giving him a promising smile. We got up leaving Kevin's office, and walking to his.

The firm we work at is pretty damn nice, everything was a crisp white not dingy. One of the nice things about Payne was his taste in decor. To keep up with this lavish looking office space, you had to dress pretty nicely. However, not everyday you have to wear heels or like a proper suit.


The next day rolled in and today seemed to be a heels day. I already had my outfit prepped; black cropped dress pants, striped dress shirt tucked in and simple white heels. The drive wasn't too bad twenty minutes and I managed to miss the London traffic. When I arrived in the car park, I parked in my place stepping out and walking into the several floored building.
"Morning Grace!"

The front desk woman, Sabrina, who has been played by Kevin. And by played I think we all know what I mean.

"Morning Sabrina," I said walking past her sharing a smile, entering the elevator I hit floor numbered 13. Ironic I know. Moments later I strutted my way to my office, taking a deep breath as I finally sat down. There was a mass pile of files and new shit on my desk.  Already having plenty of shit to look into, I placed my hand on my forehead, closing my eyes trying to mentally prepare myself.

"Hi, I don't think I've met you yet."



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