Little Details (1)

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Demi's P.O.V 

Crap. How did I forget to mention something so big to someone so special? Not like it's a little detail that can just slip my mind! I can't just drop it on Nick like "Oh hey meet my daughter" No. 

After thinking about how to reply to Nick I decided on:

Nick<3: Will explain all Wednesday, cya then! Xx

Driving off in my car with Sierra peacefully sleeping in the back. Today had been quite a day!

We drove home and walked inside the house, Sierra had only been here once but she seemed pretty comfortable. I picked my sleeping baby up and carrid her up to bed, got her changed and tucked her in. It wasn't the first day together i'd planned but it sure was memorable.

After putting Sierra to bed I walked down the stairs and decided to put the TV on for a bit and see what's been going on in the world.  The first thing that came flasing up on CleverTV was ''Demi Lovato Seen With Little Girl? Secret Child?'' 

Just my luck, now I had to explain to Nick and my Lovatics about Sierra which was gonna be hard enough without the help of a news channel making up all sorts of rumours that arent true! But hey I love rumours cause I always seem to learn so much about myslef that I didn't know, like the time I Got Married?! Or changed my Surename to Lavender? ( ;) )

Sierra's P.O.V

I woke up in a bed I wasn't familiar with, worried that Callie still had me I decided to stay put and see who came through the door. Around half an hour later a lady came through the door backwards holding a mound of washing, she put in in the cabient and turned around to face me. It was Demi. 

''Hey baby girl, good sleep?'' She said kindly with her beautiful smile that made me feel so safe. 

''Ya'' I replied giggling at the silly face Demi was pulling at me. 

''So today I was thinking maybe we could go and meet one of my best friends, is that okay?'' Demi asked. Meeting new people scared me, like a lot but it was for Demi so I nodded my head. She grinned at me and said ''Thank You! I promise he's really nice''. 

Demi P.O.V

Walking into Starbucks with Sierra in tow, we walked up to the counter and ordered our drinks, a coffee for me and Apple Juice for Sierra. We walked over to the table and sat down to wait for Nick. Sierra looked nervous, I don't blame her though, not with her horrible past. 

Around 10 minutes late, Nick stumbled in soaking wet from the rain. Laughing I stood up to greet him and introduce him to Sierra who was now hiding behind my legs. ''Nick, Sierra, Sierra, Nick'' I said laughing slightly at Nicks dripping wet hair. ''Someone forget an umbrella'' I said smirking, receiving an unimpressed look in return. We sat and had our drinks and I explained to Nick how Sierra came to be, he said he wasn't mad that I hadn't told him sooner but I could tell he was a little. Which is okay.  

After Starbucks we decided to take Sierra to the play park around the corner from our house since the rain had stopped, Nick pushed Sierra on the swings and she giggled. I couldn't help but notice the muscle protruding from his sleeves, his abs pocking out of his tight white T-shirt. He really was wonderful, inside and out.


Hey I'm really sorry this is so short and tbh it;'s really really crap but every things sucks right now, and i'm not coping that great

Not that that's an excuse, but I'm sorry

Thank you so much for 6K that's amazing! 

Love You

Sia. x

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