"Really Niall?"

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"Okay, so we could either go to the mall or stay at home and be bored." Niall says as he gets a can of soda out of the fridge. "or we can stay home and watch films!" Harry suggest. Niall roles his eyes at Harry's suggestion. "you're so boring Harry."

"no I'm not, I'm actually really awesome!" Harry argues. nodding his head Niall replies, "Yeah okay, lets go to the mall then!"

"But-" Harry gets cut off by Niall running out the door screaming "get your frog butt out here." Harry lets out a groan and grabs his keys and wallet.


"Niall, where acting like total white girls." Harry points out. Niall looks at him in confusion "how are we-" he cuts himself off when he takes a glimpse at the coffee he is holding and the five bags hanging off his wrist.

"Well, life is life." Niall says and takes a sip of his coffee. "Let's go get ice cream!" Niall screams. Harry shakes his head "There ice cream sucks."

Niall just scoffs and grabs Harry's arm, dragging him over to the Ice cream shop. "Hello, how may I help you." The man says at the counter.

We both look at the options "I would like the mint chocolate chip, medium cone." Harry says. Niall then orders a plane chocolate ice cream, a small cone.

The man wrote both of our orders down and walked into the back room. "There ice cream is gonna be horrible."Harry says and gets his wallet out. Niall shook his head and took another sip of his coffee "nope, it's really good."

"There's a new guy, and he make the best ice cream."Niall says and we both wait for our ice creams. "Jim, I told you that there where people waiting!" A familiar voice rings through the small shop.

"Sorry lads it we'll be done s-" Harry looks at him shocked and says "h-hey, Luke." Harry stutters. Niall looks at Luke and gasps. "L-luke?"

"Oh my gosh guys!" Luke yells and hops over the counter and hugs both of us. "I missed you lads so much!"

Harry and Niall both laugh and hug him back "Luke, I got one question." Niall says and wipes his eyes, from tearing up. "Wheres our ice cream?" Niall asks.

Harry turns to Niall and says "really Niall?" Niall nods and pouts. Luke laughs and jumps back over the counter "coming right up."


"It was nice meeting Luke again." Harry says, as he licks his ice cream cone. "Yeah, it's too bad he had work."Niall says. "I gave him our phone numbers to if he wants to call is he can." Niall adds.

Harry sighs and nods.

"Harry." Niall says. Harry looks over to him and raises his eyebrows. "Let's get a tattoo." Niall suggest, well more like commands. Harry shrugs and walk into the tattoo parlor with Niall.

"Hey guys, what would you like today?" A women at the front desk asks. "A tattoo please." Harry says, for both him and Niall. She nods and gets up from the chair she was sitting on "right this way." She says and she leads us down a hallway.

She picks up a book and hands it too Niall "pick what tattoo you want." She says. We both nod and me and Niall look through the book. "I'm getting this one." Niall mumbles. Harry looks at it and it's a skull with barbwire around it.

Harry feels a shiver go down his spine, but kept looking anyway. "I'll get this one." Harry says and points at a tattoo that says "HI".

The girl nods and walks into another room and we follow. "Okay, so he will be doing your tattoos." She says and points to a guy, but has his back faced to us. We both nod and sit down in the chairs.

"Okay lads." He says and turns around. I gap at him and he looks at me and smirks "hey curly."

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