Sadie Serenade

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I love songs. Not just listening to them, but also singing along to them. Mostly songs by Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga and other songs by famous female singers.

However, around four years ago, something awful happened. And that something made my love for singing stop... permanently.

I was a student at Junction City High School (I'm now in K-State University) and during that time I had a friend. Her name was Sadie.

Sadie was a beautiful girl. She has a long hair that was hip-length, her hair color was electric blond with black tips (but she dyed her hair blue tipped with black when she turned 13), her eyes were greenish-gray and her eyes were sort of elf like.

Sadie was always very nice to me. We were friends since we met in the 2nd grade. Sadie was an amazing singer and her dream was to become a pop superstar. Sadie and I were bullied by other kids a couple years after we met, but we got accepted by them around the 7th grade.

She would also invite me to sleepovers, movies and other fun things for teenagers to do. Almost every time I'd come over, I'd always hear her singing "Applause" by Lady Gaga (which was her favorite song)

Sadie was the best friend I've ever had.

However, one day in school, Sadie was sick and had to stay home from school. When school was over, a group of mean, popular girls came over towards me.

Emily, the meanest and most popular girl in the school, talked to me and told me that tomorrow when Sadie comes back, they wanted me to embarrass Sadie in front of the entire school, and in exchange, they'll give me answers to every test for the next month.

Obviously I refused to accept this horrible deal. But when I told Emily that, she threatened me a second later. She also showed me a picture, and I was scared instantly. That was a picture of me kissing my boyfriend Cameron! But it happened almost a week ago, and at my house! Were those girls spying on me?!

Emily told me that if I didn't agree to this deal and embarrass Sadie, she would print this photo in the school paper (since she works for it) and have everyone read it! This would get me bullied, teased and Cameron said that if anyone found out about the kiss, he would break up with me!

Sighing and feeling regret dive into me, I agreed.

I planned that I would tell Sadie everything after the embarrassment and hope that she'll understand.

The next day came quicker than I wanted it to, and I had the perfect plan to embarrass Sadie.

The school was having a meeting in the gym and Sadie was always the last to come into the gym. When she opened the door, the pain bucket that I had placed on top of the door crashed down on her, spilling permanent multicolored paint all over her body and hair (I tried to find easy washable paint, but failed to do so). The teachers rushed over to help her, but the teenagers in the school were all laughing at her. I was laughing too, but it was a fake laugh; I only needed to fool Emily, who was sitting right next to me and watching me.

Sadie had never been more embarrassed in her entire life! She ran out of the school crying, which also embarrassed her.

I felt gutted, guilty and just awful for my crime. But in the end, Emily kept her promise; she shredded the photo of me and Cameron and then gave me a note that held answers to every test we had for the rest of the month. But I didn't care at the moment; I was heartbroken for what I did to Sadie.

After the meeting in the gym, I went to my locker and got out my phone. I texted Sadie to meet in the usual place (which is the park in her neighborhood, seven miles from mine) after school. I waited for a few minutes until she texted me back saying "Okay".

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