Prologue: Ruby of Fire

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Long ago, there was an Egyptian King, the King of Fire. His real name is unknown. He was called the King of Fire for two reasons.

One, he was very cruel to his people, and two, because he had the power to control fire, (duh!)

His story, is a very sad one. When he was born, his mother noticed strange things about him. His pupils were the color of blazing fire, and fire always moved strangely when he was around it. People considered him strange due to this.

His entire life, he was made fun of and mistreated. He knew that when he grew up, he would make them as miserable as he was.

As he grew up, he learned how to channel the power of fire. He could now use it as an ultimate weapon.

Although, he did meet an old, wise man. This man also had the power of fire, and he taught the boy how to use it for good and to control it.

"Fire, is extremely safe, but at the same time, extremely dangerous. You must use it to fix, build, and create. Not to destruct, destroy, or kill...." The wise man told him.

The King of Fire lived by this code, and obeyed the man. Until one fateful day, his temper got the best of him.

A robber accused him of stealing from the King of Fire's mother. The King of Egypt believed the robber, and sentenced the boy to death. Guards came in and grabbed the boy. The King of Fire couldn't hold it in anymore, and burst into flames.

He made fire go everywhere, and he killed the king. The pyramid broke into flames, and he took the throne. It was time for him to seek his revenge on the ones who had kicked him around like dirt.....

He issued many cruel laws. And if any one broke ANY of these laws, they'd be sentenced to death.

The King of Fire reigned over ancient Egypt for many, many years. Until a resistance formed and planned to overthrow the cruel, evil king.

The king knew about them coming, and sent his many guards to protect him. The resistance was too strong though, and they got to the king.

The king knew he was about to die, and for some reason he couldn't channel his fire powers. He looked around to see all of his torches were put out. He couldn't control his fire without fire being around!

The resistance struck him and he fell to the ground. He was weak, and about to die. His guards took him to a secret underground den, under the pyramid. They placed him in the den and left, they'd always hated the king.

The King of Fire knew what he had done was wrong. He had disobeyed his mentor... He had used fire for destruction, and not for creation....

He did one last thing. He remembered that about a hundred miles under the pyramid, he had a secret power source. This room had a stone door, that could only be broken with fire from him. He took a ruby and concentrated his fire powers into it, fire rushed out of his body into the ruby. All the fire in his body was keeping him young, he had ruled for two hundred years! Once the fire was gone, he transformed into a very, very old man. He had just created, the Ruby of Fire......

The Ruby of Fire flew out of the pyramid and onto the sandy ground. If it was to be broken with a crystal sword, you would have the power of fire. With that power, you could go into the pyramid and rule the world, as the legend says....

Millions of years later, people came and found the Ruby. It is now sitting in the National Museum of London. This ruby, is the base of my biggest adventure yet.... My name is Melody, and I am about to tell you about: "Case of the Stolen Ruby."

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