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"Jung Leo thank god you are back! What took you so long? WHO IS THAT?!", Jaehwan yelled, pointing towards Hakyeon.

"Jaehwan, calm your butt down. This is Hakyeon. I... Well... Bought him from the market. If Father asks, he's my other personal assistant."

Taekwoon felt uncomfortable saying that he'd bought Hakyeon, and he hoped the latter didn't take it to heart. Jaehwan looked into Taekwoon's pleading eyes, sighing heavily.

"Is he the one you've been talking about?", Jaehwan asked.

Taekwoon nodded, a sudden light blush dusting across his cheeks. The butler then called in a few maids, who came swarming in, measuring Hakyeon's waist, shoulder width, even his height. The poor boy felt even more confused than ever before.

"Be careful please," Taekwoon blurted out when the maids started moving Hakyeon a little to roughly. He bit his lip unconsciously as his eyes roamed all over Hakyeon's body. Despite being badly bruised and scarred, Taekwoon couldn't help but appreciate his amazingly tanned skin and tall build.

The measurements were taken faster than Taekwoon had expected. He looked at Hakyeon and pulled him gently to his side. Hakyeon jumped at the sudden contact gaining a small chuckle from Taekwoon.

"Well, I'll just leave you two alone. I've got other things to entertain, well, I shall take my leave now," Jaehwan stated suspiciously and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Taekwoon turned to face Hakyeon and led him to his bathroom. "Go take a long bath, you need and deserve one-"

"No no!", Hakyeon shouted. Upon realising that he had raised voice, Hakyeon instinctively lowered his head and murmured an apology.

Taekwoon sighed and patted Hakyeon head. "Stop apologising. Wait a bit, I'll run the bath for you."

All Hakyeon could do was nod. He had no idea why Taekwoon was being so nice to him... There's always a catch right?

After Taekwoon had finished, Hakyeon took a long time soaking himself in the bath. Not that Taekwoon was complaining, but he started to worry and wondered why the boy took a little too long. It had been about an hour or so. Quietly, Taekwoon took a tiny peek inside the toilet, just to make sure Hakyeon was alright.

Oh my god, Taekwoon thought to himself as he looked at Hakyeon... Who was currently playing with bubbles he'd formed. Taekwoon felt a blush creep up his cheeks and wondered how someone could be so adorable?

"H-Hakyeon-ah? Is it okay if I come in?"

Hakyeon looked at him peeking through the door and quickly hugged his knees to his chest. "Y-Yes Sir."

Taekwoon sighed and entered the bathroom. He sat on a small platform that the tub was sitting on and cleared his throat.

"Oh, um, do you want to use the bath? I'm done, I just need to-", Hakyeon spoke, flustered.

"To play with more bubbles?", Taekwoon teased him and laughed when Hakyeon turned red.

"I'm just pulling your leg. You can use the bath but... I know this is personal and all that but, do you mind telling me the situation of slaves here?", Taekwoon asked hesitantly. He didn't want to trigger Hakyeon at all.

Hakyeon but his lip at Taekwoon's request. He didn't feel like speaking or recalling his horrible past but he shouldn't disobey Leo's order right? No, he couldn't disobey any sort of order. He would get a beating, or maybe even caged or starved. Sensing Hakyeon's panic, Taekwoon decided to drop the topic and reached out for a bottle of shampoo. Taekwoon smiled warmly at Hakyeon before lathering the latter's hair.

"It's okay Hakyeon-ah, I shouldn't have asked," Taekwoon said as he gently massaged Hakyeon's head.

"W-Why are you s-so nice to me? I-If there's something you want me to do for you... I can," Hakyeon asked out no where, which shocked Taekwoon.

The prince shook his head and proceeded to rinse Hakyeon's hair. Honestly, he was disappointed that Hakyeon was still suspicious of him but he  couldn't blame the poor boy.

"If there's one thing I want you to do, it's to just... be yourself. I'm not your master or owner. I'm Jung Leo, your new friend, and I hope to know you better," Taekwoon said as he cupped Hakyeon's face with his hand.

Hakyeon looked up at Taekwoon and blushed again. He felt a chill run down his spine and his heart was beating faster. He only ever felt his heart beat this fast when he was going to get tortured or did something wrong. However, this felt different. Taekwoon brushed his fingers under Hakyeon's eyes and whispered to him.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe here and your bruises will heal in no time."

The prince left his bedroom afterwards and headed to the garden. He needed space to think. Hakyeon felt breathless and left the bath room hurriedly.

As soon as Taekwoon left, Jaehwan came in to help Hakyeon dress up. Hakyeon smiled and stared at the mirror. This was probably the first time in a long while he was fully dressed and he was thankful, really. Jaehwan saw a small smile flash across Hakyeon's face and chuckled.

"Feels great to wear some clothes right? I'm Jaehwan, but you can call me Ken. A few years ago, Taekwoon brought me in too. I honestly wouldn't know what would've become of me if it wasn't for him," Jaehwan explained.

It perked Hakyeon's interest and he looked at Jaehwan with a puzzled face.

"Yes Hakyeon," Jaehwan laughed," I was once a slave, but I'm a butler now! Just so you know, Taekwoon's a really nice person. A little aloof, yes, but he's warm at heart. You should see him with babies and children too."

Hakyeon laughed softly and thanked Jaehwan. Maybe Taekwoon had saved him too, just like he did for Jaehwan.

Tbh this story is so blegh but I hope it's still alright :<

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