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Charles's POV
"SOFIA." I yelled opening her front door and there was no response.

"SOFIA." I yelled again dropping all my bags.

I ran up to her room and saw her lying on her bed.

"oh thankgod." I started to say but realized she was pale.

"Fuck." I said and started to call 911.

She flinched a little.

"Sofia please stay with me— Yes please come she's dying." the other line picked up I have them the address and I continued to hold her she opened her eyes slightly.

"Sofia please." I cried a little and saw her wrists slit, she was cold and it looked like she hadn't eaten in days.

"Sof— I love you please." I said and her eyes shut again and then I heard sirens.

I picked her up and ran down the stairs with her wrapped in a blanket in my arms.

I ran outside and the ambulance pulled up.

They pulled out a stretcher and put her in the back.

"Are you family?" the worker asked.

"No but she has no one here." I told him.

"You can't ride with her." he said.

"Please sir." I begged.

"The longer you stay here arguing the longer it takes to get her help." he stated.

"Take her then." I yelled and ran back in the house.

I called Tana, Jess, Joey and Bella.

Tana and Bella's flight to LA just landed and they were coming to pick me up now.

Jess was on her way with her brother and Joey with his mom.

"This can't be fucking HAPPENING." I yelled and heard a honk after a little while.

I ran outside and hopped in Bella's car and we sped off to the hospital.

"What the fuck happened." Tana asked.

"I walked in and she wasn't answering so I went to her room and she was lying there." I said and a tear slipped my eye.

"Nothing is going to happen, she's a strong girl." Bella assured us.

"Hopefully strong enough." I said looking out the window trying not to cry.

The next morning
"Everybody here to see Sofia." the nurse said and 90% of the waiting room stood up.

"Immediate family first." she said.

"I am." Bella said and stood up.

"You're what?" I choked out.

"I am her sister." She said and followed the nurse not explaining.

"What the fuck." I said sitting back down.

"I just need to know if she's okay." I sighed crying slightly.

Sofia's pov
I heard voices but I still couldn't open my eyes.

"I know you can hear me don't rush the sight part, your sister is here to see you." I heard a nurse say.

I tried to say I don't have a sister but nothing came out.

"Sofia." I heard a voice say.

It sounded like Bella.

"She explained to me you couldn't talk or see yet but I'm hoping you can be able to remember this conversation. " she said.

"Yes it is bella," she paused "and yes I am your sister." Bella said.

"I found out after I had seen you before playlist. My dad saw you last time you were in Vegas with us thought that I should know. They had you and had to put you up for adoption because were weren't financially stable for another kid. They told me my baby sibling died at birth, but clearly that isn't the case." she continued and I heard he tone change in her voice.

"I really really hope you're not mad at me,
I am legal now so I can get custody of you if I fight hard enough. I care about you so much and I have cared about you so much before I even found out I was your sister. Please just keep fighting. I love you." She finished and I felt her grab my hand.

I opened my eyes and looked around quickly.

"Sofia." she exhaled.

"I'm not mad." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"I will fight." I said and breathed heavily.

"I won't hurt myself again." I said crying.

"Please mean it Sof." She said with a tear sliding down her face.

"I do." I said with a slight smile.

"Oh good you're awake." the nurse came back in and said.

"we're letting 3 people in at a time, you can stay for a while longer or go now." The nurse told Bella.

"I think she needs to see her friends." Bella said.

"Thankyou Belly." I said with a light laugh.

"Anything for you." she said leaving the room.

The next people to come in was Tana Imari and Jordan.

They scolded me and told me never to try something like this again because I was too precious.

Then Maia, Ashly and Loren, followed by Joey and Jess and Luna, then Corinna and Brennan.

"Where is Char?" I asked Corinna before she left the room.

"He's coming next." she smiled and let go of my hand.

"Even though I don't know why because you barely know me, thankyou for the bear Brennan." I said with a smile.

"The way they described you you're a princess and don't deserve to die. You need the teddy bear to remind you of all of us so nothing like this happens again." he said and him and Corinna left.

"Okay do you have energy for one more visitor? He's a young man, looks heartbroken and tired." the nurse asked.

"Char." I exclaimed quietly.

"I take that as a yes?" she asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

She left the room and I started to panic a little, hes gonna think I'm ugly, I look like an ogre.  He's gonna be so mad at me.

"Sofia." I heard his voice.

"Charles." I smiled when I saw him.

"I can not believe you. I was so upset I thought I was going to loose you forever." he said kissing my forehead.

"It won't happen again." I said.

"Promise me. You're life is worth so much more than you can imagine. The amount of people out there to come and see you–" I cut him off.

"I promise." I said and held out my pinky to pinky promise.

"I love you so fucking much." He said letting our pinkies go.

"And I love you so much more." I sighed kissing him.

"I can't loose you." he told me.

"You won't." I said back.

i changed my mind this is the end of the book i have no ideas left sorry

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