Towel Capes And Videotapes

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I'm sorry this wasn't a request but I got inspired, I plan on doing a request too though.
Another thing, I don't proofread these, so if there are grammar mistakes, that's why.

Lance's family had always been sort of weird. They had weird traditions no one really knew why they started, but never stopped doing them.
Every year, on October 17th, his whole family would where towels as capes and pretend to be superheroes, while someone else recorded it all. One year they filmed an extremely good action movie that definitely wasn't cliche at all.
Lance had almost forgotten about it, the most important day to him. But luckily remembered it when he went to take a shower. He immediately grabbed a blue towel for himself, a red one for Keith, a yellow one for Hunk, a green one for Pidge, a black one for Shiro, a pink one for Allura, and an orange one for Coran.
After tying his cape, he walked out of the bathroom, excited to share this tradition with his new family. He found Keith and Hunk in the kitchen and practically skipped over to them.
"Uh buddy? Why all the towels?" Hunk had asked.
Lance beamed at his fellow team members, "It's towel cape day!" He received a confused look from Keith, as Hunk smiled.
"What the quiznak is towel cape day?" Keith asked.
"The best day ever. Just put the towel on, I plan to explain later when everyone has their towels on!" Lance replied.
"Uh okay," Keith said, tying the towel around his shoulders, Hunk having done so already.
"C'mon gang!" Lance exclaimed, practically dragging the other two by their hands, "We need to find the others!"
After exploring for a bit, they found Coran and Allura in the one place with the cryopods I can't remember the name of so help me jesus.
"GUYS I HAVE A REQUEST-" Lance started, then composed himself, "What I meant to say was, I need you guys to wear these towels as capes for the day," Lance said, handing the towels over.
"May I ask why?" Allura asked.
"It's towel cape day!" Lance replied, smiling.
Once they had done that, they went off to find Pidge and/or Shiro.
Pidge was found in the vent, Shiro in the training room.
"Alright guys, it's time I explain why you guys have towel capes on," Lance said, standing on a chair to be seen better, even though he's tall enough to be seen a mile away.
"Please! I've been waiting for hours!"
"Shut up, Keith!" Lance replied, though he was still grinning like a maniac, "Towel cape day is the one day my family could be as silly as we wanted with towel capes. Every year we would wear towel capes and pretend to be superheroes and film it, and I was hoping, for old times sake, we could do that today? It would mean a lot to me, and we've all been stressed out recently and I think we need a break, don't you?"
"Of course we can!" Allura exclaimed, "That sounds lovely, I'm sure I have a camera some where."
The other team members, and Coran had smiled at him, agreeing with Allura, but not saying anything.
Lance almost burst into tears, he had expected them to reject it, but they didn't.
Allura had gotten the camera, and the day was spent entirely goofing off, without a care in the whole universe.

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