Chapter One ➳ Bittersweet Memories

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A stray of light streamed directly through a little window to a cold and dim basement, revealing the two shadowy figures that stood nearby each other.

Dipper Pines couldn't help himself but to beam in admiration at his own laborious work that he had spent countless of months on—yet, who could blame him? Being only 24 years of age, the young man has accomplished much in his life, but this was for sure his most successful yet; a feminine shaped vessel, assembled entirely of kinetic mechanism.

The eyes were shut, long lashes fanning over its cheekbones. The mask affixed on its face had sculpted your beauty captivatingly, as though a long lost twin. Artificial bones and muscles had deliberately been fastened within the body, ball joints connecting together the limbs as to allow it to mimic the natural movements of a person.

As a finishing touch, its authentic human hair fell into its face with a messy perfection, the body clad in the young man's favorite outfit of yours; a classic midnight blue dress, accompanied by ebony leather boots.

Dipper had specifically entered the women's department in every store possible, merely in attempt to find the outfit most resembling yours. Despite the dirty looks he was given, he could confirm the unusually kind gesture would be worth all the trouble knowing that you can feel at home in your new, awaiting vessel.

"Don't worry. . . we'll be together again, just like how we once were," Dipper whispered in your ear, lovingly running his fingers through your soft hair. He then brought a single strand to his nose, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of sweet cherry blossom.

He lingered an exhale in delight, a smirk playing at his lips as he glanced back at your lifeless features. He was satisfied with his design.

"I'll be right back. Stay here, okay?" he gestured jokingly, the atmosphere filling in a rather unsettling silence, as though he was waiting upon a response. He then proceeded forthright, stepping away to retrieve an item at his small gray desk in the corner.

Dipper hasn't exactly been. . . 'okay' ever since the day you left him. He lost his ability to sleep, eat, and function like a normal human being. It even came down to the point where he didn't want to leave the comforts of his own bed.

All he could do is remember the bittersweet memories of how the two would go beyond the limits of this eerie town and capture the peaceful scenery of the luminaries in the late night sky. The sweet scent that you always carried was something his senses couldn't identify, but he simply couldn't get enough of it. And the way your eyes glittered under the slightest source of light. . . it was worth a thousand words.

But wallowing himself in nostolgia was to little use. He knew he would have to move on at some point, and leaving his tear drops to stain his bed sheets wasn't doing the job. He needed a distraction.

Therefore Dipper invested in a bachelor's degree to suceed in the field of mechanical engineering. He always had a love for how mechanics worked—such as how the remote to a robotic car could move the wheels, and how the heavy body of a plane could take off into the air with ease—and he knew doing something he enjoyed would take his mind off of his depression.

While the excitement of enrolling college had eased his yearning heart for awhile, he couldn't help that feeling of isolation crawl back and began eating him from the inside out. Even though he was crowded with minds alike, none seemed to compare to what you meant to Dipper. No one could ever make such a sacrifice of their own life to save the one they were assigned to kill.

And at the mere thought of that, Dipper was angry at the Underworld for all their damn unnecessary rules. They didn't have to kill you, they could've simply lowered your rank. Dipper didn't understand why the Underworld was so cruel for an act so righteous—but then again, these were demons he was talking about. Demons didn't feel.

But then why was it you that was so different? And what was so special about Dipper to change the heart of a demon?

The truth is, Dipper didn't know. He created a specalation that all demons have emotions, but are deep down embedded within their souls. And seemingly, you were one of the lucky few to experience those emotions.

Dipper, at this point, refused to believe you were really gone. There were many things that constrasted humans from demons, such as laws and boundaries, and a term such as death seemed too simple for such a complex species. There had to be something more than simply dying and being reborn again in the afterlife, and Dipper was going to get to the bottom of it.

After three years of mechanical engineering, Dipper went back to his deep obsession with the paranormal and began studying the realm known as the Underworld. Only a few mad scientists believed in such a realm, and finding subtle information on it was far from easy.

But nothing was going to stop Dipper from finding the truth, even if the possibilities were deemed too low for a mere human being to conquer alone. The risks he was willing to take were outrageous, but nevertheless brave.

Henceforth, he ventured beyond his way and eventually found the answers he was seeking written in crimson blood on the walls of a cave.

The physical form of a demon is destroyed as punishment, but their soul is stored and used as a source of energy, clustered in a dungeon beneath the King Demon's castle. Their souls are, in fact, revivable as to the exception of having a new vessel to possess. However, they cannot reform themselves; only the ones who act upon the lost and forgotten can restore their souls, bestowing them with their choice of new life. This rule applies to both inanimate objects and deceased bodies.

If this ancient information was legitimate, then Dipper was going to be the one to verify it—thus lead the boy to a trip to hell and back.

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