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topic one, 10/8/17

Relationships are difficult

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Relationships are difficult. They are full of mistakes, and fuck ups and overall just a lot of failure.
Despite all the bad things that goes into one, they are very important. You need to trust your partner.
In my case being a current single (not anymore)dumbass , I haven't been the most trust worthy guy.
All the fake I love you's I've heard so many times by only about 3 people I've dated. Being genuine with not only your partner but with yourself is very vital.
It's hard going through relationships. I just
I need someone who makes me laugh, is probably super lame and isn't too obsessed with looks or sex.
I want kids and I want to get married.
But guess what everyone; it's not going to happen. Why? Because I'm not only a huge jerk, but finding the perfect person is really f'cking difficult.
In conclusion, I say don't take advice from me because I'm stupid.
Your geek,
J 🌿

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